The first drink that you share with your dad is special. It is something that you won’t forget for the rest of your life. If you’re one of those who haven’t yet had that first drinking experience with your father and you’re wondering what drink it should be, here’s why beer should probably be a top contender.
It’s not “hard” liquor: There’s a certain perception about “hard” liquor that might make your dad feel uncomfortable when it comes to the first ever drink he shares with you. And that’s why, beer is always a safe choice because it is not considered hard liquor, which has a lot more alcohol content. “A couple of beers won’t cause any harm”, is probably what he’d think.

Great conversation trigger to know about other alcohol: Once you’ve entered the pool and shown him that you can swim, you can start showing your intent to dive into deeper pools without any hesitation. Beer is a good way to start having conversations with your dad about other alcohol like whiskey and rum, and I’m sure that he won’t mind sharing some gyaan with you.

Down it quick: The best part about beer is that you can drink it straight out of the bottle or a can, without spending too long in “making” a drink for you and your dad. Also, it’s such a casually fast affair, that you can finish your drinking session in half hour flat or lesser, before creating a situation where the mum begins to start worrying about her husband and her child drinking for too long.

Reveal your alcohol secrets: If you’ve been drinking other types of alcohol without your dad’s knowledge, you can use your beer session to finally tell your dad the truth. He’d probably be mad, but not as mad as he would’ve been if he’d gotten to know otherwise. The fact that he’d be drinking alcohol with you whilst you reveal your other alcohol adventures is the biggest reason why you should make use of this opportunity.

“Let’s do it again sometime?”: In all likeliness, your first drinking session with your dad is going to be a success. No damage caused, free-flowing conversations, great munchies, and one of the most chilled out times you’ve ever spent with him. Since it’s going to go well, your dad won’t mind the idea of having another beer session with you soon again. Before you know it, he will become your best beer buddy.