5 Ways How Bartenders Get You To Spend More

Every bartender dreams of coming into the limelight by getting appreciation from the customers at least once, if not more than once. If you have been a scapegoat for getting scammed by a bar multiple times, then this article has got you covered. Here are five ways bartenders can get you to spend more money. 

5 Ways Bartenders Get You To Spend More

  1. Flattery
  2. Polished Suggestions
  3. Ocassion Observations
  4. Manipulate The Audience With Music
  5. Themed Cocktails

1. Flattery

Types Of Bartenders
Photo Credit: Pinterest/Serious Eats

Haven’t all of us succumbed to a salesman’s flattery at one time or another? A bank manager praised my education in front of my father to get him to spend more money on certain banking services, and it worked!

Similarly, bartenders will chat with you, accept special drink requests, and make your drink “extra strong” at no extra charge to encourage you to order more than you had planned for the evening. Be careful not to be flattered by impressive remarks from a bartender. Try to avoid this and stick to the purpose of your visit to the bar.

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2. Polished Suggestions

Instead of saying, “Would you like more wine?” A bartender might say, “Would the lady like another glass of wine?” The change in wording makes you feel more important and you end up saying yes, even though you had already decided to order a cheap beer next.

So the next time you’re in a bar, don’t be impressed by the bartender’s recommendations. This is a method they use to take advantage of you.

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3. Occasion Observations

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Picture Credits: Facebook/ TAP

Bartenders are more likely to suggest expensive spirits when customers are there to celebrate an occasion. Once, a bartender gave tequila shots to a couple next to me as soon as he realized they were on a date. The man changed the order from vodka shots to tequila shots on the fly, probably to impress his date.

Never fall for scammers like this, especially if you are going out for a drink. They try to persuade customers to buy expensive drinks.

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4. Manipulate The Audience With Music

You read that right. Bartenders and in-house DJs play slow, mellow tunes during the day and on quiet nights to keep patrons seated and order more drinks while playing upbeat music on busy nights to get people ordering and leaving quickly.

Slow music makes you feel relaxed like you are not in a hurry, and upbeat music makes you want to go to the bar or make new plans. Remember all the times this trick worked for you and make a smart move the next time you visit the same place.

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5. Themed Cocktails

Remember when you paid extra for your Christmas Tom Collins last year? There was a candy cane in your glass! Even though it tasted different and better, the drink was just like a regular Tom Collins. So watch out for all those Halloween-themed cocktails that are priced higher than their regular versions.

Adding edible black dye to your Cosmopolitan will not change its taste, my dear. So, if you decide to have the same drink, instead of ordering an expensive themed drink, order a simple regular cocktail.

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Summing Up!

So now when you visit a bar next time, you know how not to get fooled by the diplomacy policy used by the bartenders. Going forward, these five ways bartenders get you to spend more will act as a helping hand to use money wisely and act smartly.


How Can A Bartender Increase Sales?

For increasing bartender sales, you can host events and serve special drinks as samples for youngsters, as this will help in attracting more customers and profit.

What Are The Benefits Of A Bartender?

The benefits of being a bartender are accuracy, good speed, knowledge, a steady mind, and stable hands.

How Does Bartending Attract Customers?

Bartenders attract customers by making innovative drinks through their art, being great at mixing drinks, and suggesting good food pairings.

What Are The 3 Responsibilities Of A Bartender?

The responsibilities of a bartender are to make drinks, take orders, and serve drinks to customers.

How Do You Convince Customers To Buy Drinks?

Bartenders need to play cards very smartly to convince customers to buy drinks. Make sure to be natural and not use a script; make the client comfortable; and explain to the customers what ingredients go into a drink and how the taste of the drink is improved.

What Are The Five P’s Of A Professional Bartender?

The five P’s of a professional bartender are as follows

  • Pride
  • Presentation
  • Professionalism
  • Preparation
  • Passion

What Is The Personality Of A Bartender?

A bartender’s personality impacts the sales of a particular bar a lot. They have to be social, friendly, and outgoing.

What Is The First Rule Of Bartending?

The first rule of bartending is to prioritize and have respect for the bar.



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