Best Hangover Drinks To Have After A Wild Night Out

A man with a hangover.

What does a fun weekend look like? Partying in some extravagant bar with electrifying music and pitchers of beers, or just sitting at home with your buddies and enjoying whiskies? Whatever the plan is, we’re sure you’ll have a great time during your drinking sessions. But now comes the next morning when you wake up with a major hangover. Headache, nausea, fatigue, and whatnot! 

If you look up online, there will be an endless list of tips and tricks to cure hangovers. But do those tricks work? We don’t want you to take any chances. We’ve curated a list of drinks that will cure your hangover in no time. 

Why Hangovers?!

Before diving into the drinks and beverages that will help you with your hangover, let’s quickly understand what causes hangovers. Well, alcohol is not the only culprit that causes hangovers. It’s the substance, congeners, present in alcohol that brings you the worst of your headaches. So, drinks like tequila, cognac, and whiskies, which have high congeners are likely to cause more hangovers than the others.

Also, not drinking enough water in between your drinking sessions can also fuel your hangover. So make sure you keep hydrating yourself even while having a fun night out.

Hangover Drinks To Have After A Wild Night Out

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

2. Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

3. Coconut Water

4. Herbal Elixir

5. Carrot And Beet Juice

6. Shots! Shots! Shots!

1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Well, now that we know that one of the major causes of hangovers is dehydration, the solution is pretty simple. So, drink as much water as you can. Due to dehydration, we lose electrolytes, including sodium and potassium. Water, which is a solution for all the problems, be it acidity, stomach ache, or dizziness, helps to neutralize the alcohol’s aftereffects as well.

How many glasses? There’s no magical number of the number of glasses you shall have, but try having at least 3 glasses. If the hangover’s worse than you had before, you can even try dipping your face in ice water for 10-15 minutes. Believe it or not, it’ll cure your hangover and wake you up like never before.

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2. Life Gives You Lemons, Make Lemonade

When you want a homemade remedy to cure a hangover, just pull yourself to your kitchen and make some lemonade. All you got to do is squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and drink it. If you get those weird reactions on your face due to the sour flavor, no problem, just add some sugar to the drink.

Too much alcohol can affect the pH level in your body. It might get shifted to the acidic side of the pH scale. So, if you feel heartburn or acidity once you wake up in the morning, you’re not alone. Lemons contain alkaline properties which help neutralize the pH level. They also help in digesting alcohol and provide you instant relief. Yeah, that’s also a reason why lemon slices are used in cocktails. If lemon tea is your thing, you can try that too. 

3. Coconut Water

One of the major reasons for a hangover is the loss of electrolytes and glucose in your system. But if you’re on a sugar detox, what do you do? Order yourself coconut water or go to the nearest fruit cart. Coconut water is rich in potassium which is a natural electrolyte. It’s also rich in sugar content, so yes, a glass of coconut water and your body will be replenished in no time. 

As per doctors, we should drink coconut water 2-3 times a week. And when our inner alcohol enthusiast takes over the weekends, having healthy drinks becomes even more important. It’ll take care of dehydration, loss of sugar, and your immune system. Basically, it’ll make you healthy. We think it’s a good deal, what say?

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4. Herbal Elixir

If the first drink of your day is green tea, congratulations, you already know how to cure a hangover. You might not be aware of it, but herbal ingredients like ​​chamomile, rosemary, and ginger are some of the best yet natural ways of dealing with a hangover. Chamomile and rosemary are known to have a soothing effect on the stomach and they deal with the alcohol in the system. Ginger, on the other hand, has great inflammatory properties which break down the alcohol and detoxify your system.

All you have to do is add ginger pieces in hot water or bring home chamomile tea bags. Whatever you choose, one cup of herbal elixir will ease up your hangover.

5. Carrot And Beet Juice

If you’ve tried any of the above ways to cure hangovers, you must be feeling good already. But if that’s not the case and you’re still feeling nauseous, you should try carrot and beet juice. A blend of these vegetables will do the trick. This drink specifically helps flush out the kidneys which in turn detoxifies your body. 

Not only is the blend of carrot and beet good for hangover relief, but it’s also healthy and to top it off, it tastes good. The beta-carotene in carrots helps reduce the free radicals created by excessive drinking and the antioxidants in beets help with your metabolism. Don’t worry if you’re running low on either of these vegetables; both of them work well for hangovers.

6. Shots! Shots! Shots!

What’s the best way to cure a hangover? Take hangover shots, simple! There are misconceptions floating around that a vodka shot can cure hangovers but no, it doesn’t. To cure hangovers, there are hangover fixes like Rebound, Fast&Up Nightout, Morning Recovery, and many more options in the market. 

So, when you have your friends over and a bottle of whisky is already empty, just buy some anti-hangover shots. Don’t worry, they are sugar-free and are available in different flavors.

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Summing Up

Waking up with a hangover is not a problem anymore. Have these drinks after a wild night out and headaches and dizziness will be things of the past for you. It can be as simple as drinking tons of water or blending some vegetables. Whatever option you choose, we’ve made sure that the hangovers won’t stop you from having the best drinks.


What Drink Helps The Most With A Hangover?

Well, if you tried drinking water but for some reason it didn’t reduce your hangover, you can try some non-fizzy drinks. Gatorade and other sports drinks can be effective at taking care of a headache or a hangover. 

What Helps A Hangover ASAP?

If on a Monday morning, you wake up with a hangover, you certainly need a cure for hangover ASAP, right? For starters, try drinking some water for hydration, if it doesn’t seem to work, try some snack like a cracker which will boost your sugar levels. 

What Is A Simple Home Remedy For Hangovers?

The best thing you can do is take rest for as long as possible but if it doesn’t help, try eating bananas, or blend some carrots and beet together. You can also make yourself a lemonade or lemon tea. 

Does Coffee Help A Hangover?

Drinking coffee to cure hangovers is a myth that you no longer should believe. The caffeine is known to boost energy but it lasts for a very short time. It might increase your alertness, sure, but it surely doesn’t do anything to cure a hangover.

Is Milk Good For A Hangover?

No, milk has nothing that could take care of hangovers or at least help you in the recovery process. This is not just for cow milk, but soy, almond, and other kinds of milks as well.


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