Sheroes Who Made Drinking Look Cool On TV

Alright, let me paint a picture for you all. A woman, a #GirlBoss if you may, is sitting at her desk, casually flipping through a book. Now imagine the same woman with a glass of scotch on the rocks in her hand. Did it make a difference? Hell yeah! We are going to say it out loud – the TV sheroes get a hundred times hotter when they drink.

We aren’t very sure if it’s the drinking that makes them appealing, or if they make the drinking look hot, but it’s just very, very sexy. So it should come as no surprise to you that all our favorite leading ladies of TV are pro-drinkers. Read on to fall head-over-heels in love with them, just like us:

Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Cersei Lannister of Game of Thrones sipping wine
Photo Credits: MYSA

We will start with our least favorite. This woman is a badass of the highest order. She has ruined lives and countries, she’s ruthless and cunning. But dude, can she drink. If we replaced food with wine, as much as she did, we’d be called alcoholics. She likes it red, just like the blood that she doesn’t think twice before spilling. Her love for liquor has even created employment opportunities – she has handmaidens exclusively for keeping her goblet overflowing. After all, when winter is on its way, you need something to keep your cold soul warm.

Olivia Pope (Scandal)

Olivia Pope from Scandal sipping alcohol
Photo Credits: WIRED

We loved her as an attorney, we loved to hate her when she had an affair with the president and we admired her when she herself became a force to reckon with in politics. Emotions varied, but Olivia Pope made it impossible for us to get her out of our head. Madam only unwinds with red wine, a ’94 Duvillet that too. We don’t blame her though, with such crucial decisions to make, we would be drinking the whole White House down.

Alicia Florrick (The Good Wife)

We love this woman for her inner strength and were floored when she mourned her ex-lover Will’s death by sipping martinis and throwing back tequila shots. She deals with the constant stress of being a mom and a law partner and the incomparable worries that come with being the first lady of Illinois, all while drinking alcohol. What makes her even sexier? She knows when to stop even when her favorite bottles pop.

Meredith Palmer (The Office)

Open about all her fantasies and drinks wherever and whenever she wants to – we can’t love The Office’s Meredith Palmer enough. Her drunken antics have been one of the many reasons we keep re-watching the series. She might not be the flawless goddess we want, but she’s the messy queen we deserve.

Robin Scherbatsky (How I Met Your Mother)

Robin Scherbatsky in How I Met Your Mother drinking alcohol
Photo Credits: Ranker

Aah, where do we even start? Our love for this Canadian gun-toting, teen pop-star is unconditional. From singing “Let’s go to the mall” in shiny, sparkly clothes as a young one to owning 5 dogs and drinking quality scotch, puberty hit her just right. When, on national television, she spoke of her love for scotch that’s old enough to order it’s own scotch, she instantly became our woman crush forever. McLaren’s Pub paid a tribute to their stellar regular by naming a beautiful cocktail after Robin, and she definitely deserved it.

Summing Up

These unforgettable TV heroines have shown us that a drink in hand can add a whole new dimension to their iconic personas. From the fierce Cersei Lannister to the resilient Alicia Florrick and the unapologetically bold Robin Scherbatsky, each character brings an undeniable allure to their favorite drinks. Whether it’s Olivia Pope’s wine-fueled intensity or Meredith Palmer’s wild unpredictability, these women prove that confidence, strength, and a good drink are a match made in TV heaven. Cheers to our fierce, fabulous, and totally drink-savvy leading ladies!


What do the Friends Characters Drink?

The favorite drinks of every character of F.R.I.E.N.D.S are:

  1. Monica: Decaf Cappuccino
  2. Rachel: Decaf Cappuccino
  3. Phoebe: Decaf Cappuccino
  4. Ross: Iced tea
  5. Chandler: Black coffee
  6. Joey: Latte

What Drink Has a Woman’s Name?

Mary – whether it’s Bloody Mary or Virgin Mary, this name is a timeless classic, just like the cocktail. Mimosa – a blend of champagne and orange juice, and an elegant choice for a baby girl’s name. Paloma – a Spanish name meaning “dove.”

What are Some Drink Names?

Here’s a list of top classic cocktails:

  • Old Fashioned
  • Negroni
  • Daiquiri
  • Dry Martini
  • Margarita
  • Espresso Martini

Each of these cocktails brings its own unique flavor and style, making them enduring favorites in the cocktail world.


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