You know that things are definitely going to get serious when you see Tequila, salt and lime slices.

But while we’re pretty sure that you’ve got loads to tell about your favourite tequila story, or perhaps not since you don’t recollect anything, how about we give you 5 healthy reasons to remember this drink?

Here’s why you need to need to take your best shot for good health.

1. Who needs calcium for bones when you’ve got good old Tequila

If you want strong muscles, the gym is the place to be. But if you want strong bones, just walk to your nearest bar. There’s a slight touch of Ayurveda here as the blue weber agave plant, the one from which tequila is made, consists of substances that help boost the absorption of calcium, magnesium and essential minerals in your body, giving you those sturdy bones.

So the next time you take those calcium tablets, just remember that there’s another option!

2. Tummy trouble? Tequila to the rescue

Thanks to the agave plant that produces good bacteria, present in Tequila, one shot either before or after a meal will come with its fair share of health benefits. Doing it before will build up an appetite, while your digestion worries will be a thing of the past with a shot done after your meal. Talk about Tequila giving us ample food for thought.

3. It’s best to cure your cold

If, back in the 30s, the Mexican doctors knew that Tequila would get rid of common cold, it would have resulted in an interesting practice. But now that you know, you surely can do the same the next time you’re feeling under the weather. Their method to the madness was a tried and tested formula which saw lime doing the trick, thanks to its high Vitamin C, and the agave working wonders with good bacteria.

4. A delight for Diabetics

According to a study published in the ‘Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology’ Journal, nearly 98 million people in India may have type 2 diabetes in 2030. Why is this sentence of relevance to Tequila? In case you’re wondering if the drink can help those with the disease, you guessed right. The agavins, natural sugars present in the agave, can lower your blood glucose levels.

5. You lose weight

For all those of you who are desperately looking to lose weight. We’ve got some good news for you. Drink Tequila.

Bones, tummy trouble, cold and improved immunity. And if you thought things just ended there, you guessed wrong. Agave is our saviour one more time as the sugars present in it called agavins are non-digestive. What that ensures is you having low blood sugar levels and feeling heavier in the stomach, meaning less food for you and more food for others. The sacrifices we make in order to lose weight. But hey, the silver lining here is Tequila. We guess you’ll choose that.


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