A Brief History Of Gin & Tonic

Though gin has been around since the Middle Ages (near around 13th century), what we love as G&T today evolved from a precautionary measure for malaria in our beloved country of India in the 19th century.

The British officers stationed in India were fighting malaria when the idea to drink a mixture of water, sugar, lime, gin, tonic water and quinine started passing around. The traditional medicine called for a concoction of tonic water and quinine but after finding it hard to drink on account of its bad taste, the officers started adding gin and some lime and sugar to the beverage.

The taste caught up, and gin & tonic was no longer just a malaria remedy. The drink was now being enjoyed as a social lubricant. 

The alcoholic beverage caught up all over the world, with different regions altering the recipe to suit their tastes. Tonic water was being commercially produced by the end of the 20th century. It was sweetened and was available in various flavours. Different brands of gin entered the market and G & T bars popped up in cities like London.

Today, a Gin & Tonic calls for equal parts of both gin and tonic water on rocks, some sugar for taste and lime for garnish. 

Isn’t it fascinating that gin & tonic has a medicinal origin story and is ruling as the go-to drink in Europe today? 

Share your love for a glass of Gin & Tonic in the comments below.



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