Bizarre Alcoholic Drinks From Around The Globe

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If you aren’t averse to finding a severed toe or scorpions in your drink then you may want to give these bizarre alcoholic drinks a try:

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All About Eve India

Snake Wine, Vietnam: The ‘What’s your favourite poison?’ question probably caught-on when this offering from Vietnam made headway into other regions of South-east Asia. A poisonous whole snake is dunk into rice wine and left to ferment. The idea is to have the snake poison dissolve in the alcohol and neutralise, so that the drinker can enjoy the many health benefits that this drink claims to deliver.

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Pizza Beer, USA: Why bother buying your pizza and beer separately when you can enjoy the best of both worlds right from a bottle, right? The word around the internet suggests that this offering tastes just like pizza and isn’t really bad. Created by Chefs Tom and Athena Seefurth, the humble brew is gaining quite the attention.

Scorpion Vodka, England: There’s nothing like alcohol that stings, and when it comes with an edible poison-free scorpion, the evening just takes a completely different direction. You can consume the specially-bred Chinese scorpion without worry since it has undergone a special process of sorts to rid it of the poison.

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The Sourtoe Cocktail, Canada: Downtown Hotel in Yukon, Canada serves up the Sourtoe cocktail, which is basically your preferred drink garnished with a mummified human toe. Patrons who would like their name to go down in history are required to have the toe touch their lips. Shouldn’t be an issue at all, given that the toe has been swallowed, on two different occasions, and never recovered.

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Three-Penis Liquor, China: Because one penis is clearly not enough; Seal penis, Cantonese dog penis and deer penis are all used to craft this offering, which is said to help the human male species ‘up their game’. If anyone is adventurous enough to take a swig, head to the supermarkets in Shanghai to get hold of this drink.

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