Licor 43 Orochata Turns Vegan!

Does Licor 43 sound familiar? Of course, it does! Licor 43 is one of the most popular and the fastest growing Spanish premium liqueurs in the world. With an established market in over 60 countries, the liqueur is a product of a secret family recipe that uses forty-three natural ingredients consisting of Mediterranean citrus and other botanicals. 

In 2016, Zamora Company launched Licor 43 Orochata – a vegetable-based liqueur produced from a blend of the original Licor 43 liqueur and the traditional Spanish horchata beverage from Valencia. The liqueur gained popularity for its vegetable base as it eliminated the use of cream in its production, which became its unique selling point in the industry. The USP made the beverage popular among the lactose-intolerant consumer-base, the share of which had increased in the market.

Its consumer-base enjoyed the liqueur for its silky texture and light and refreshing characteristics. The flavour of the sweet cream liqueur infused with tiger nuts and spices made Orochata popular among female-consumers across the globe. 

Now, Zamora Company has relaunched Licor 43 Orochata as Licor 43 Horchata, announcing it to be completely dairy-free and vegan! The new launch is set to replace all the old bottles of the liqueur in the established as well as the new markets. The company looks forward to acquiring consumers who demand lighter and non-dairy alternatives to the other cream liqueurs in the spirit industry.

The new launch will be bottled at 16% ABV, which is the same as the alcohol percentage of Licor 43 Orochata, and a 700 ml bottle will be retailed at a price of US $23.



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