How To Open Beer Bottles Without Opener

Wrap your hand around the top of the bottle and grab the curved part of the spoon between your thumb and index finger.  Get the rim of the spoon under the bottle cap and slowly put the pressure upwards to get the cap off.

Image Credits: Stack Exchange

Use a Spoon

Grab the beer bottle with one hand and place the bottom of the lighter under the bottlecap. Apply pressure on the lighter with the other hand and pop the cap of the bottle

Image Credits: ManMadeDIY

Use a Lighter

Firmly hold the bottom of the bottle with one hand and tilt it slightly. Hold the knife in your dominant hand in a way that the sharper side of the knife is towards its cap. Gather all your superpowers and slice off the cap

Image Credits: YouTube

Kitchen Knife

Grab the beer bottle to keep it stable and sandwich the bottlecap between the two hands of the tongs. Pull apart the tong hands in an upward direction and gently remove the cap.

Image Credits: Reader's Digest

Kitchen Tongs

Keep a bottle on the open on the table. Place the lid of the bottle that you want to open on the top of the first top and just thump it as hard as you can.

Image Credits: ManMadeDIY

Another Beer Bottle