The headline might sound a little off but yes, there are ways and reasons to get drunk quicker than you usually do. Maybe you’ve developed some weird resilience to alcohol over the years and you just want to get sloshed for one day or you’re about to hang with that insufferable group of friends who never go away and the only way you can tolerate them is being drunk af. If you relate, don’t you worry, we’ve got you.
Eat lightly before going out: Yep, we all know that if we want to have even an iota of sobriety about us, we have to eat a solid meal before binge drinking. So, in case you want to get drunk quicker, eat a lighter meal like a sandwich or salad before heading out.

Get served in a curved glass: Curved glasses work in mysterious ways – you never know when you’ve had half the glass, so you end up drinking quicker and before you know it, you’re ordering another. That’s exactly why you should skip that straight glass, and head straight for the curved or fluted ones.

De-stress as much as possible: Being stressed or drinking during a stressful situation, doesn’t help with getting drunk at all. So do what de-stresses you, be it watching a great TV show or playing with your cat, and head out with people who help you keep calm. There’s nothing better than winding down with a beer or five.

Drink with diet mixers: A little known fact is that mixing your preferred liquor with a diet soda can get you drunk quicker! So in this case, opting for the ‘healthier’ option is the way to go. Bubbly drinks like champagne or spritzers also have the same effect.

Go out with a large group: You know what they say, the more the merrier. And it really does stand true when it comes to getting drunk. The larger the group, the faster you knock back your drinks, in turn becoming drunk quicker. Just remember to keep track of those shots if you want to ever go out with your friends again.