When you’re younger, partying seems like your one and only prerogative. Every occasion, be it big or small, happy or downright sad, would make you pop open some bottles in crowded bars with music that most probably affected your ears permanently. But now that you’re older, none of these things seem as charming and you often catch yourself saying to yourself, ‘I’m too old for this shit’.
You prefer a night-in to a night-out: Whenever the weekend comes by, you start dreading the barrage of calls you’ll have to attend, and the really terrible excuses you’ll have to come up with. You keep trying to convince your friends to come over and get liquor, but they have other plans in mind. Over the years, comfort has taken precedence over wild parties and you don’t mind having slight FOMO over it – even if that means staying home alone and drinking while crying to some really bad romcom.

You don’t do shots anymore: Only large pegs and pitchers of beers, please. Shots are no longer your thing and with good reason. They don’t taste good and most likely end up ruining the entire night. While you watch your friends still enthusiastically down searing shots, you actually savour your drink. After all, you don’t drink just to get drunk.

You can’t listen to loud music: Yeah, you’re that party pooper now. As much as you used to enjoy deafening music, you’re constantly left asking your friends to turn it down a notch. Yes, you get dirty stares and a lot of grumbling in return, but it’s better than the migraine you’d get if you weren’t this annoying. Anyway, what’s wrong with some slow music that doesn’t break the sound barrier?

You value conversation: There’s nothing like kicking back, having a drink or two and talking about things you like with a couple of other people. What’s the point of a party where all you do is play strange party games that everyone pretends to like, dance to music everyone pretends to have heard and pass out having not enjoyed yourself at all? Isn’t it always better to actually take it slow, mingle with close friends, even if they are drunken rants, and actually have fun?

Your hangovers are officially the worst: It’s true, one of the many cons of growing up is having to pay for going overboard the night before with a splitting headache. You can’t afford to drink as much as you used to because the only thing awaiting you the next morning is sheer agony. Thankfully, growing older has brought with it some amount of wisdom, so you already prepare yourself with a gigantic glass of water and an overload of carbs before even stepping out of your house.