We have all read intriguing self-help books that talk about writing down things that you want to tell your younger self and all that. Recently I decided to actually try it. Before you get too impressed, I should tell you that each of those things were about drinking:
Don’t feel guilty: Yeah, it feels wrong at first, but little do you know that it’s the only thing that would feel right in the future. When you go home after a long day, you will hold a glass filled with rum and it will feel just right. So stop feeling like a culprit each time you drink it.

Nope, the habits don’t change: You will always need to dip your fingers in a pickle after taking a long sip. You will certainly feel incomplete when you don’t have banana chips to pair your beer with. You thought these simple things didn’t matter, but they have become a way of life.

You think it won’t be a daily thing and you’re wrong: From weekends to once in three days, your drinking pattern has reached once a day. And it’s because you have realized that it’s the most therapeutic thing you could do. So drink away!

Lol, you won’t quit: You promised yourself that you will quit alcohol after 5 years. You can’t keep it. You will make another pact for 5 years, you can’t keep that either. This will certainly go on for a while.

Old Monk will always be special: Yes, you will go ahead and earn enough to drink Jack Daniel’s, but Old Monk will always be your first love. You will still crave it, want it and need it as bad as you do now.

Drinking buddies are forever: Don’t think they will casually hang with you and then just go away. If you have had enough drinks together you share a soul connection and they will always be there. At least in your heart.