5 Things That Happen to You After You Become A Craft Beer Fan

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If you’re the type who loves to go out drinking, you’re probably used to a certain kind of lifestyle. Now in the midst of this, if you begin to take a liking for craft beer, there are going to be some small yet evident changes in your life. Based on personal experience, here are 5 things that happen to you once you become a craft beer fan.

You start clubbing less: Once you cross over to the craft beer side, your drinking experience slowly begins to shift from ‘drink and dance’ to ‘drink and drink’. Your clubbing expeditions begin to reduce, as you’re now visiting calmer brewpubs that offer varieties of craft beer, and not so much a place to dance.


You become a beer geek: Once you become a craft beer fan, sooner or later you’re going to start showing interest in the art and science behind the brewing process. You will start taking brewery tours, you will want to know the finer details behind your drink, the specific ingredients that are used to brew it, and more.


You make new friends: Before you know it, you’re going to be heading to craft beer festivals and events, where you’re going to meet like-minded people and become a part of craft beer communities. I’m not saying that you dump your old pals, but you definitely start mingling with new friend circles.

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You start experimenting and become adventurous: You’ve always gone the tried and tested route. But craft beer makes you adventurous to the extent that you will most likely go on a beer tasting spree once you become a fan. You will become open to experimentation like never before because you just want to explore this new exciting universe as much as you possibly can. You will also slowly realize that the possibilities are endless.

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You gain weight: This is one thing that you can’t avoid once you become a craft beer fan. You start eating more, you start drinking more, and you discover a new-found relationship with calories. Until and unless you work-out or indulge in some physical activity on the side, you’re most likely going to gain a beer belly once you become a craft beer fan.



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