We are not saying that you should ever show up to work drunk, but there are a bunch of things that can take place as you swagger slowly and not so steadily to your office space, still a little tipsy.
The workplace may actually seem interesting: This is a first for you because ever since you stepped into this building for the office orientation, you have only hated the place. Now that you are legit drunk, your office may seem fun. That bright light in the conference room may come across as trippy and the washroom as perfect for selfies. Isn’t that everyone’s dream?

Feeling absolutely clueless about the work you have been doing for years now: Since you are so amazingly disoriented, it might be a little hard to to even turn on the system, forget working. This could be fun, for onlookers of course.

Absurdly entertaining acts: From playing a video of a baby falling on his face on the giant presentation screen to making a 100 copies of your face and leaving them around office, you are a true source of entertainment for the rest of the people at work.

You may spill some beans: If you hate a colleague or even better, your boss, you should never even be remotely tipsy at work. Because drunk you is honest you and honest you isn’t very polite. So if you don’t want to get fired immediately, just don’t.

Getting lost in your own office: Well my drunk friends can’t find their way out of the lounge’s washroom, so it’d be surprising if you can actually find your way around the office. If it’s a big one, good luck.

Inappropriate behavior: When getting drunk at work, make sure that you don’t have to interact with many. Or else you might just end up hugging everyone and calling them your best friends or even crying out loud, which aren’t umm… the traits of a model employee.