Drinking has so many myths and stigmas attached to it and, unfortunately, a large segment of people seem to buy them at face value, including drinkers. These myths need to be busted right now because drinking doesn’t deserve to be seen in such a terrible light.
Alcohol kills brain cells: It’s popularly believed that alcohol kills brain cells and your brain cells must be already dead if you think that’s true. Alcohol does impact your brain for a short span of time, by disrupting your body-brain coordination, but no cell gets harmed in the process.

Mixing different types of alcohol gets you drunker: We all believe that the reason behind our horrible hangover and a hazy recollection of the night before is the whisky-beer combination we had, but that’s wrong! Mixing different kinds of alcohol doesn’t get you drunker, it’s how much you consume that matters. So, you can go the cocktail way and still not die. Yaay!

The order of drinks matters: The order in which you consume your drinks is often a controversial subject. Everyone somehow believes that finishing the party with some light beer could save you a terrible hangover. Some are strong followers of the alphabetical order of drinking. However, you body doesn’t really give a damn. All it cares for is how much alcohol you drink.

Alcohol can keep you warm: I am ashamed to say that I have been a victim of this myth. Alcohol manages to make your skin feel warmer, but it only successfully manages to bring down the core temperature of your body. In scientific terms, alcohol dilates blood vessels in extremities, allowing warm blood to escape into your peripheral circulation, where it cools down. So, if you are drunk in a snow-capped valley, there’s a fair chance you will freeze, just because you’re drunk.

Old wine is the best, always: Yes, a wine’s quality depends immensely on how it’s aged, but the oldest bottle might not be the finest always. It depends from wine to wine. Only 10% of all wines are meant for ageing and actually taste better after 5 years. The other 90% aren’t meant to be aged beyond 5 years. So, unless you know your wine, don’t pay a bomb for something that was made when you were in high school.