Do you have an upcoming office party, and the idea of people seeming lost midway disturbs you? Well, we totally get that and suggest you amp up the party with some interesting and engaging drinking games. It’s the best way to get to know your coworkers and make it a memorable and drunk night for everyone.
Don’t worry, you don’t have to play some ridiculous game that would get people uncomfortable. We’ve curated a list of the best office party drinking games which will bring out only the fun side of your fellow workers. If you’re ready to take your office party to the next level, then read on.
10 Best Office Party Drinking Games
- Two Truths And A Lie
- Bloody Hell- Dice Game
- Taboo
- Most Likely
- I’m Going On A Picnic
- Medusa
- Thumper
- Drink While You Think
- I Drink And I Know Things
- Go Fish
1. Two Truths And A Lie

Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink.
No. Of People Required: Three or more
You’ll need to choose someone to begin the game with. This person should make three claims about themselves, with two of them being true and the third being false. The person on the left must guess which is the lie among the three claims. If they’re correct, the person who told the lie drinks, and vice versa if they are incorrect.
This is the perfect drinking game for an office setup where you get to know your colleagues and managers better. If you’re the gossipmonger in your office, you’ll ace this game.
2. Bloody Hell- Dice Game
Things You’ll Need: A Dice and your preferred drink
No. Of People Required: Two or more
Pick a random person to throw the dice and the first person to begin the game. This person needs to throw the dice and the first person must roll that exact number or two or three values that sum up to it. Each player is allowed three rolls.
If they don’t make it even after three turns, they must drink. The person sitting to the left goes next and has to match the digit rolled last, and so on. If you like games of chance, this will definitely get you rilled up and surely drunk.
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3. Taboo
Things You’ll Need: Your preferred drink and Index cards (make some, you don’t need to buy them)
No. Of People Required: Two or more
Before the party starts, make a list of frequent acts, terms, and phrases on index cards, enough for everyone. These should be the kinds of things that are sure to happen or be spoken a few times throughout the night, rather than every other word like “me.”
When a person hears the term or phrase or observes someone perform an action that was assigned to them, they shout “Taboo” and that person drinks. This is the type of game you can play for the entire duration of the party. It can sneak up on you anytime and you’re bound to end up drunk.
Some creative ideas for your index cards can be party, are yaar, job, and seriously for terms. You can use phrases like ‘I can’t believe, to be honest, and I didn’t know’. For actions, you can go for ‘touching hair, looking in the mirror, yawning’.
4. Most Likely

Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink.
No. Of People Required: Four or more
Start by sitting in a circle, and one person can begin by asking everyone who they believe is most likely capable of doing something. For example, “Who would be the most likely to take a WFH the next day?” or “Who is most likely to be leaving before office hours?”
Then, on a count of three, everybody in the game points to the person they feel is most likely to do that activity. Everyone who is being pointed at takes a drink for the number of fingers pointed at them, for example, eight drinks for eight fingers. The person to the left asks next.
This game is great for starting conversations, laughing your heart out, and finally putting your assumptions about your coworkers to use. Plus, you get to know all the perceptions your colleagues have about you.
5. I’m Going On A Picnic
Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink
No. Of People Required: Three or more
Choose someone to begin with. That person starts the game by saying, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing a mat” (instead of mat you can use any word that’s picnic-worthy). The next person says, “I’m going on a picnic, and I’m bringing sandwiches and a mat”.
So each person adds their picnic-worthy component along with exactly what was mentioned before them. Anyone who comes after, repeats this until someone makes an error and they drink. On top of that, if the group believes that whatever the person claims to be bringing isn’t relevant for a picnic, the person drinks.
This game can turn into trouble quickly if you have a weak memory. It becomes increasingly interesting and fun the more players you have.
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6. Medusa
Things You’ll Need: Jello shots or tequila shots
No. Of People Required: Four or more
Sit at a round table so that everyone can see each other. Now everyone will lower their head and on the count of three raise their heads and looks squarely at another person. If two people notice they are staring at each other, they have to shriek “Medusa” and down their jello shot. The last person to finish their drink must take two shots.
It’s an excellent game for keeping everyone engaged while getting buzzed. The only thing to consider is that the number of players necessary for this game must be even.
7. Thumper
Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink
No. Of People Required: Four or more
Gather around a table, pick a leader, and choose a hand gesture to represent yourself. You need to make this hand gesture before the game starts so everyone can see it. We recommend a hilarious hand gesture, but it can be as simple as a wave too.
Once the gestures are decided, the group rapidly drums the table and the leader asks two questions “What’s the name of the game?” to which everyone answers “Thumper!” The next question is “And why do we play the game?” and everybody responds “To get f****ed up!”
This first interaction shows how seriously the game should be taken. The leader now initiates the game (while the drumming goes on) by making his hand gesture along with another player’s hand sign.
The player whose gesture was done must stop banging the table (the leader now drums as an active participant) and execute his own gesture, which follows the sign of a new player. This keeps going until someone makes a mistake or takes too long to react, and then drinks as a consequence.
8. Drink While You Think
Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink
No. Of People Required: Three or more
To start the game, the group selects a category, such as celebrities, film titles, or band names. The first person mentions a name from that category, such as Deepika Padukone. The next person must mention a famous name where the first name begins with the first letter of the prior person’s pick (for example, Daisy Shah).
The catch is that you must continue to drink until you come up with the right name. When someone speaks a name where both the first and last name begins with the same letter, the game’s direction reverses. It’s a really mind-boggling game where the Bollywood buffs and music lovers can really shine through.
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9. I Drink And I Know Things
Things You’ll Need: Nothing except your preferred drink
No. Of People Required: Three or more
This game is similar to trivia but for those who like to drink. When it’s a person’s turn, they say “I drink and I know,” then add a remark like “I know the capital of Gujrat.” If anybody else knows the answer they blurt it out and everyone along with the person who asked the question takes a drink.
The first person who answered begins the next round. If nobody knows the answer, everyone drinks and the asker gets to make another claim about something they know. It dares your colleagues to a game of random wisdom and shots. The better your knowledge, the more you’ll be able to get your coworkers to drink.
10. Go Fish

Things You’ll Need: Your preferred drink and decks of cards
No. Of People Required: Four or more
Gather around a table and hand each person 5 cards. The remaining cards are placed in the center of the table and it’s called the fish pond. You can use more decks if necessary. Now, the first player starts by selecting and flipping a card from the fish pond. Everyone must swiftly put down a card that is equal to or higher than the card on the table.
If they’re unable to do so, they can grab one card from the fish pond. If the chosen card helps them play further then they are safe, or else they must drink. Not just this, the last person to drink or put down their card must drink twice. The cards played in the first round are then thrown back into the fish pond except for the highest card as the next round starts with it.
Isn’t this an exciting and competitive card game where you don’t even lose any money and still have lots of fun? All you have to do is be quick or you’ll be hammered before you know it.
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Summing Up
We can already picture you rubbing your hands with excitement after reading these super cool and fun games. Many require only your wits and a drink, while others need easily accessible stuff. Once you drop one of these games at the party, we’re sure you’ll be known as the mastermind of entertainment.
What Is The Drinking Game Played In The Office?
You can give the following drinking games a go at your next office party
- Two Truths And A Lie
- Bloody Hell- Dice Game
- Taboo
- Most Likely
- I’m Going On A Picnic
- Medusa
- Thumper
- Drink While You Think
- I Drink And I Know Things
- Go Fish
What Is Paranoia Game?
This game entails whispering a query to the person on your right, and their answer must be someone else who is also playing the game. For example, “Who in the group has the best appearance?” The recipient must then signal to the person they believe is the answer to the inquiry. If the person pointed out wants to learn what the question was, they must drink.
What Is 7 11 Drinking Game?
The participants set a glass of alcohol in the center of the table. The first player rolls the dice. If they roll a 7, an 11, or a double, the roller selects a player to drink. If none of those numbers are rolled, the dice are passed to the left.
How Do You Have Fun At A Drinking Party?
If you’ve been practicing mixology you can impress people with your skills, you can dance to the music or use some improv jokes to make people laugh.
How Do You Play 5 Seconds Drinking Game?
5 Second is a drinking game for those who can act under pressure. Rules are pretty straightforward. Players are asked a simple question and they have 5 seconds to come up with 3 answers before the buzzer rings. If the player doesn’t give all the answers before the time runs out, they drink.
How Many Shots Are In 750 ml?
There are 16 shots in a standard 750 ml bottle of alcohol with one shot being an ounce and a half.
How To Play Flip Cup?
Two teams sit face to face on a table with their solo cups equally filled with beer. The first person on both teams starts by chugging the beer as soon as possible. Then they’ve to place the cup upside down at the edge of the table and flip the cup in a manner that it sits squarely on the table. Whichever team succeeds in doing so first wins and the others have to take shots.