Country Liquor (Desi Daru): A Cheap Drink Or A Priceless Blessing?

Country Liquor (Desi Daru): A Cheap Drink Or A Priceless Blessing?

“Chadhi Mujhe Yaari Teri Aisi Jaise Daaru Desi!” Bollywood has mentioned desi daru so many times and we are well aware of it, but how many of us actually drink it? Forget drinking, have you ever tried it? We asked a lot of people this same question and we only got a handful of people who said “yes.” This got us thinking, why is this the case? Why do people avoid desi daru like a plague? Well, you are about to find out.

What Is Desi Daru?

Desi daru is also called Country Liquor, but we’re just going to call it desi daru because the other option doesn’t have the same vibe. The word “Desi” translates to “country” or “region” in Hindi and later half of the name, “Daru,” is Urdu for alcohol. This drink is fermented and distilled from molasses, which is sugarcane’s by-product. Do you know what else is made from molasses? Rum! But unlike rum, the image of desi daru is vilified almost everywhere.

Everything You Have Ever Heard About Desi Daru

We have heard that drinking desi daru can make you sick, cause alcohol poisoning, or even get you killed. We have heard that it’s of extremely low quality, which is why it’s cheap. People can judge you if they find out you like desi daru. There are stories of goons who used to make desi daru secretly and sell it for profit.

You must have seen many homeless people on the streets getting drunk on this alcohol. So chances are that whenever you came across desi daru, it was in a bad light and a sad situation. All of these things are true in a way, but not entirely. A lot of context is still missing.

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Who Even Drinks Desi Daru?

Even if this is probably the most infamous alcohol ever, it is still consumed by a huge chunk of our population. Those from the economically backward segments of society also crave a buzz, but even a bottle of Old Monk can seem like an expensive option. So desi daru becomes a reliable and affordable companion. You could get a 250 ml bottle for around INR 90. Desi daru has an ABV of 28.5% – 42.5%, so this bottle packs a punch. You only get 90 ml of Old Monk for around that price. Desi daru is a sweet deal that is too hard to deny.

Is Desi Daru Really Bad for You?

We sought the truth and we found it. Oh god, this is going to feel like those old cheesy suspense movies. The ones where there’s an evil twin who is causing havoc and the good brother has been paying the price. We already knew about the evil twin, it’s time to meet the good one. Drum roll! There are TWO kinds of desi darus. A legal and an illegal one.

Desi daru, which is also known as IMIL or Indian Made Indian Liquor, is produced legally and these bottles come with an official label. This label means that these drinks are certified as safe for consumption by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). This is the same label that can be found on your favorite packaged cold drinks and snacks.

Rajarambapu Patil Ltd., Globus Spirits, and G.M. Breweries are some of the biggest producers of desi daru. They are all legal and their liquor is safe to drink. They produce alcohol that undergoes a proper distillation process using the required equipment. Quality control measures are also taken. All of this ensures that lead from pipes, toxic chemicals, foreign particles, rust, and other problematic substances don’t come in contact with the product.

Those who illegally manufacture this alcohol obviously don’t have the required license. They cut costs by using sub-par or low-quality equipment and ingredients. The result is an alcohol that is similar to its legal counterpart but can be potentially harmful and deadly. We even found out that some of these so-called manufacturers used batteries to speed up the fermentation process. That’s horrible, but that’s illegal desi daru.

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Why Is Desi Daru So Cheap?

There are three reasons for this. Do you know why a can of your favorite beer or basically almost every alcohol costs way less in Goa? It’s majorly because Goa doesn’t levy huge taxes on it. In the case of desi daru, the government doesn’t impose any tax on it. Which is why its manufacturers simply pass on the benefits to its users.

The second reason is the use of cheaper and local raw materials in production. This makes them cost significantly less than other alcoholic beverages. Also, desi daru is not aged, they are produced and sold right away. This doesn’t necessarily mean that these ingredients are bad, they are just cheap. Look at it this way. The cost of parts that Mercedes uses in its cars is more expensive than the ones used in a car by Maruti Suzuki. This makes Mercedes a superior car but doesn’t make Maruti a bad car by any means.

Here’s the final reason. You might have heard of green apple-flavored vodka, lime-flavored rum, and so on. These drinks are infused with the extracts of those fruits and that’s a complex process. Flavored desi darus on the other hand, doesn’t undergo such fancy infusion procedure. An orange desi daru is simply a desi daru with an artificial orange flavor base or orange extracts added on the top.

Think of this process as taking milk and turning it into chocolate milk by adding Bournvita. A flavored desi daru is good, but it just cannot match the taste of a flavored rum or vodka. But hey! It brings down the cost and it’s still pretty good.

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So Can We Drink Desi Daru?

Yes! Drinking desi daru from a registered manufacturer that comes in a bottle with an FSSAI label is safe. You don’t have to write your will before taking a sip. No need to act as if you are taking on an adventurous feat by drinking it either guys, it’s safe! But it’s still alcohol, so just drink in moderation. Even if you are not convinced and still think even the legal one is lethal, it is fine. However, if we did manage to convince you to drink it, then our dear reader, you are in for a treat!

Desi daru comes in some of the most exciting flavors you have ever tasted. We are talking about Limbu Punch, Dilbahar Sounf (fennel seeds), and Mango Tango! You can drink them with soda or add them in cocktails. Just imagine how much money you’ll save if you become buddies with desi daru.

Summing Up

We feel like a hot-shot lawyer who just cleared our defendant of several false accusations. Yes, yes, we know that it will take a long time for desi daru to be widely accepted. You probably won’t order it to impress your clients in a business meeting. That’s fine. Even if you tried a bottle of desi daru once, we will consider this a victory. So go ahead, try something different, maybe you’ll really like it. Just avoid the illegal ones. We hereby rest our case, your honor!


Is Country Liquor Legal In India?

Yes, country liquor can be legally manufactured, sold, and consumed in India.

What Is The Meaning Of Country Liquor?

This is the kind of liquor that’s usually produced from molasses, mahua, rice, or gur. Just like the name suggests, this alcohol is made in India.

What Are The Brands Of Country Liquor?

Some of the well-established brands of country liquor are G.M.Breweries, Rajarambapu Patil Ltd., and Globus Spirits.

How Much Alcohol Is In Country Liquor?

The alcohol content or ABV in a country liquor ranges from 28.5% to 42.5%. So they have the potential to get you drunk faster than even the strongest beers out there.

What Is The Meaning Of Indian-Made Indian Liquor?

As the name suggests, Indian Made Indian Liquor (IMIL) is an alcoholic beverage that’s produced in India. It is also known as ‘country liquor’ and its flavors are usually inspired by the popular tastes of wherever the drink is produced. IMIL is mostly priced lower than any other liquor.

What Is The Name Of The Country Liquor?

Country liquor is also popularly known as “desi daru.”


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