What’s the greatest thing you’ve done when you were drunk? Created a weird sandwich and actually liking it the next morning or somehow managed to convince your friends that the gibberish you were speaking is a new language you created? Well, unlike us, some people managed to achieve actual feats while being intoxicated out of their minds. This is why Indian moms always complain about their kids.
Creating A Few Good Men: We bet you’ve come up with several movie ideas that you thought were a genius when drunk, but have any of them gone on to become Academy Award-nominated? We think not. But that’s exactly how A Few Good Men came about! When Aaron Sorkin started writing the movie, he was actually throwing back shots at Broadway’s Palace Theater, when the audience watched plays. He wrote down his thoughts on several cocktail napkins and would come home with his pockets filled with them.

Inventing the pet rock: This actually does sound like something someone would come up with when drunk. Gary Dahl came up with the concept when speaking to someone at a bar about how high-maintenance pets are. He then went on to write a manual and also sell rocks as pets for USD 4, and became a millionaire! After the fad ended, he also set up his own bar to create more ideas which failed but he did end up starting a advertising agency.

Coining the selfie: Apparently, even the word selfie and the first recorded ‘selfie’ first happened during an Australian man’s drunken night out. This unknown person posted a picture of his swollen lips in a forum in 2002 after he fell down a flight of stairs while drunk, and asked for advice on stitches. He had a fondness for attaching ‘ie’ at the end of words and that’s how this seemingly never-ending fad came into being!

Going to space: Yes, you’ve had some crazy drunken experiences, but have you had flying-to-space-drunk kind of experiences? NASA, in a 2007 investigation, discovered that astronauts had been cleared to go to space drunk on three separate occasions! This includes doing some of the most intense feats that require an extremely high level of expertise including work on the International Space Station. How they did it, we’ll never know.

Writing Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy: Douglas Adams has himself admitted to coming up with the idea of this legendary book when he got drunk while backpacking through Europe. In Innsbruck Austria, he lay down in a field to look at the stars, holding a guide to hitchhiking in Europe and thought about a similar guide for the galaxy. We’re so glad he didn’t forget this drunken thought when he woke up the next day!