How To Pour Beer Into A Glass?

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Ever wondered why there’s so much foam in your glass after pouring beer? If you’ve been pouring it right down into the glass, you should know that that gives you very little beer and too much head. And if you are a slowbie who likes to pour a drink carefully, you’ll end up with a beer with lots of carbonation and light on the aroma.

Well, that’s probably because you’re not pouring it right. To optimize the taste of your beer, you need to pour it properly into the glass. From the first whiff of the beer you take to the first sip, pouring the beer the right way will give you the best mouth-feel and flavor. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to pour beer into a glass. Get your reading and drinking glasses on!

Step 1: Choose The Right Glass For Your Beer

Generally, any kind of glassware can be used to pour a beer. But if you want to enhance your drinking experience, it’s best if you choose the right glass. Don’t worry though, you can still drink a beer from a coffee mug or a classic pint glass. If you’re keen on drinking it the right and most preferred way, choose a proper glass for your beer.

pour beer into a glass

Now, keep in mind that things like your dish soap residues inside your glass can react with the beer you pour in it. So, make sure that you make your beer glass “Monica-clean”. Ideally, the best glass to pour beer can be a pilsner, tulip, or a pint glass. Whatever you choose, don’t forget that the kind of glass you choose will change how your beer feels and tastes.

If you’re looking for some awesome beer mugs, check them out at The Bay Store!

Also Read: 6 Best Gifts For Beer Lovers

Step 2: Select Your Beer Bottle And Inspect It Before Pouring

One of the most basic things we’ve all been taught since childhood is not shaking the bottle. You wouldn’t want your beer bottle to build up a lot of foam and finally explode. Some of the most important things people tend to overlook is looking out for any kind of flakes floating in the beer or any cracks at the mouth of the bottle. You may think that inspecting a beer bottle is a waste of time. But if you want to savor a good glass of beer, why not spend some time making one the right way?

It goes without saying that without the presence of yeast, the sugar present in your beer won’t turn into alcohol and you won’t be able to enjoy your drink. Here’s some magic mantra to make you relish the rich flavors of your beer – you can swirl the beer bottle a little bit to bring together the flavors and aromas of the beer.

Also Read: What Is Craft Beer? Your Ultimate Guide

Step 3: Hold Your Glass At A 45° Angle

Let’s face it, we’ve all encountered a situation wherein we’ve tried to pour beer into a glass and ended up filling more foam in the glass than beer. And hey, that’s okay, if you’ve embarrassed yourself in the past, we’re here to help you do it the right way! Something that you need to pay heed to is avoiding pouring the beer while holding the glass straight up or laying it flat on the table. If you’ve had memories of filling the glass with lots of foam, that’s the mistake you’ve been making.

Now, let’s take you back to what your science teacher taught you in school and apply it here. The kinetic energy that gets released when you pour the beer is responsible for the release of carbon dioxide in your beer. So, if you want to be a pro at pouring beer, you need to hold the glass at a correct angle to avoid any exploding foam in your glass. Getting rid of the foam when you pour will prevent your tummy from bloating. And when pouring the beer, see to it that you tilt the glass at a 45° angle to the tap of your bottle. That’ll make it easier for the beer to flow down on the wall of the glass and prevent extreme carbonation at the start of your pouring.

Also Read: Famous Beers Around The World

pour beer into a glass

Step 4: Pour The Rest Of The Beer In The Center Of The Glass

When you have finished pouring almost half of the beer on the wall of the glass, slowly straighten the glass and continue pouring in the center of the glass. This way, you’ll be able to avoid any splashback of the beer. But if you want more foam, you can straighten the glass a little before the beer is halfway poured into the glass.

For those who are drinking a rich beer like a Belgian Wit or a Hefeweizen, then pouring the beer at the walls of the glass isn’t going to help you in any way. That’s because these beers are known to be highly carbonated and so tend to foam at the walls of the glass as well. The best way to go about it would be to keep the glass tilted for nearly the entire pour and then straighten the glass towards the end of the pour. That way, you’ll be able to create a head at the top of your glass.

Also Read: How To Pair Beer With Food

Step 5: Stop Pouring When The Froth Reaches The Top

The fizz that the beer gets is from the carbon dioxide inside it that releases the halo of bubbles at the tip of your glass. But again, it’s important that you pour the beer the right way and not let too much foam in your glass. Doesn’t matter how fancy it looks, it can give you a bitter taste of the beer and make your stomach bloat. That’s why it’s important that you keep a close eye on the froth and stop pouring right when the foam reaches the tip of your glass. There you have it! You can now enjoy your perfectly poured beer.

Also Read: Most Expensive Beer Brands In India

pour beer into a glass

Summing Up

If you want to enjoy a perfectly poured glass of beer, you needn’t always look out for a pro pourer or a bartender in the room. The above steps on how to pour beer in a glass should prep you enough for your next beer bash. If you manage to do it right, you’ll get to experience the best taste, flavor, and texture of your beer. Now that we’ve taken you through the entire process step-by-step, it’s time you go try it yourself and thank us later. Happy drinking to you!

FAQs On How To Pour Beer Into A Glass

Should Beer Be Poured Into A Glass?

One of the many advantages of pouring beer into a glass is that the carbonization is reduced and hence there are fewer chances of your tummy bloating up. Apart from that, you get to experience the rich flavors of the beer if you pour it into a glass. So, pouring a beer into a glass is one of the best ways to enjoy it.

How Do You Not Get Bloated From Beer? 

If you want to avoid the bloating of your stomach because of drinking too much beer, you need to keep your body hydrated. So, make sure that you consume enough water while drinking your beer so that it helps control the inflammation inside your body. A glass of water after your beer will also help reduce the bloating.

Why Does My Beer Go Flat In A Glass? 

Your beer glass can have residues left by dish soap, milk, or other substances that can react to the beer you pour inside the glass. This causes faster carbonation and you’ll end up with your beer going flat in the glass. That’s why it’s always advisable to use a clean glass for your beer.

Why Does Beer Make Your Belly Fat?

Just like many other alcoholic drinks, a can of beer has around 150 calories or more. That is one of the main reasons why drinking beer can increase belly fat. And if you’re consuming a lot of sugary foods or foods high in calories along with beer, it’ll further increase your belly fat!

What Is The Rule For Beer Foam?

Generally, you should pour your beer to have a 0.5 to 1 inch foam head. A rule of thumb is to hold your glass at 45° as you pour the first half, and then pour the rest upright down the center.

Should You Pour Beer Fast Or Slowly?

You should pour your beer into the glass slowly to avoid a lot of the carbonation and foam to escape at the start of the pour.

Why Is The Beer Foam Important?

The Foam is an integral part of a well-poured beer. If you don’t particularly like having beer foam, aim for about half an inch of head. Beer without foam often tastes flat and the presence of foam indicates proper carbonation.



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