How To Store Wine Properly

store wine properly

Wine is a fine alcoholic drink that can add finesse to any day. A glass of wine can comfort you on your dark days and make you feel better instantaneously. That being said, as it takes care of you, you also need to take care of it. Building your wine collection can be a beautiful experience but wines can be expensive and need to be stored in the right way. Here’s a complete breakdown of how to store your wine properly so you can get the best out of your bottle of wine.

How To Store Wine Properly
Picture Credits: Unsplash

Consistent Temperature And Humidity Will Help Your Wines Last Long

Let’s start with the most important factor when storing wine – temperature! We understand that you want to just enjoy drinking your wine but you’ll get the best taste only if you take care of the temperature while storing it. Consistency is a great thing to have in life and that also happens to be one important factor in the world of wine.

You’ll need to maintain a consistent temperature in order to maintain the quality of the wine. If you store your wine in extreme temperatures, it’ll most likely ruin even the most expensive wines. A stable temperature can help your wines a long way. Different temperatures might work with different wines but make sure that your wines are never below 25°F (-4ºC) or above 68°F (20°C).

Inconsistent temperatures can also fasten the aging process of wines and ruin their volatile compounds. If we talk about humidity, even that needs to be consistent. If you have a wine cellar, maintain 60 to 68% humidity in there. Keep in mind that unstable temperatures can also cause your wine’s cork to expand and no one likes that kind of spillage!

Also Read: The Best Foods To Pair With Red Wine

Have A Separate Wine Fridge, If Possible

See, we understand that having a separate wine fridge sounds fancy but here us out! As we mentioned above, temperature plays a huge role in enhancing your wine’s life and a wine fridge or cooler helps you achieve that. If you are a wine enthusiast, the ability to store it properly will definitely be an investment for you.

Our normal refrigerator temperatures are generally cooler than ideal for wine. Generally, a wine fridge will keep wine between 50-60˚F (10-15˚C) and at the proper humidity. A wine fridge also comes with various features for your wines and hey, you won’t need to worry about cross-contamination which is a pretty real possibility in a regular fridge.

How To Store Wine Properly
Picture Credits: Unsplash

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Take Extra Care With Open Wine Bottles

Open emotions and open wine bottles require extra care to prevent unnecessary spillage. Your open wine bottle can still last 3 to 5 days if you manage to end up with some left over. In order to prevent your wine from going bad, you’ll need to recork it properly and tighten it.

Start by placing some wax paper around your wine’s cork and make sure it slides back into its original position. Check that it’s recorked properly and it’s good to go. If you’ve messed up the cork, you can use a rubber wine stopper.

Also Read: Affordable Port Wines In India

Light And Vibration Aren’t The Best Friends When You’re Storing Wine

Light and vibrations might sound essential for the living but your wines are certainly better off without them. Darkness can light up the life of your wine, so keep your wines in a darker place and avoid those harsh UV lights that can mess up their flavors.

Vibration can also affect wine’s aging. Make sure your wine cellar is away from all the chaotic places of your house such as the washing area or music system.

Also Read: Best Fruit Wine Brands To Buy In India

Horizontal Wine Bottles Lasts Longer

A horizontal wine bottle ensures that the wine is constantly in contact with the cork, which in turn ensures that the cork stays moist, and a moist cork can make your wines last longer. Take your mind out of the gutter, we’re strictly talking about the technicalities of how to store wine properly.

If your wine cork gets dry, it can lead to wine seepage and premature aging which you’d definitely not want. Horizontal storage also comes in handy when you want to utilize your wine space in the best way.

How To Store Wine Properly
Picture Credits: Unsplash

Also Read: How To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew

Avoid Shaking Your Wine Bottles Too Much

Wine cocktails are delicious when shaken but wine bottles are definitely not. Keep your wine bottles as steady as you can to not mess up the more delicate notes of the wine. Winemaking is an art and rigorous shaking or moving around can definitely mess up the artistry and hamper its longevity.

Also Read: Discover The Different Types Of Red Wines

Summing Up

We hope now you know how to store wine properly. By using these techniques, you’ll not only be able to get the best use out of your wines but will also enjoy the consistency and great taste. So, what are you waiting for? Take out your wine glasses and raise them for a good drink!


Is It OK To Put Red Wine In The Fridge?

You can surely put your red wine in the fridge for a few hours before you start drinking but definitely avoid putting open wine bottles in the fridge. Putting red wines in a fridge for a long time can lead to cross contamination and even change the taste of wine.

How Do You Know If Wine Has Gone Bad?

Just like your fruits, even your wines can go bad. If your wine tastes unpleasant or has an oxidized smell, there’s a good chance that it has gone bad. You can also look for bubbles which can be seen if your wine has been exposed to oxygen. You might also notice a color change in the case of red wines gone bad.

Do All Wines Get Better With Age?

We’re sure you must’ve heard of “aging like a fine wine” but this isn’t a universal fact for all wines. You need to understand that wines on the shelves come to you after going through an aging process and are meant for drinking. Aging an already aged wine will definitely change your wine but we can’t say it’ll improve it.

Which Wine Is Good For Skin?

Red wine has the reputation of being really good for the skin and rightly so. This tasty wine is filled with antioxidants which means your skin will look healthier and younger.

Is Wine Better Cold Or Room Temp?

It can be considered a matter of preference but the majority definitely enjoy their wines colder better.

What Wines Keep The Longest?

If you want wines that last you longer than relationships, definitely go for the sweet ones. Sweet wines contain sugar which ends up acting as a preservative. Red wines change color with time so if you want to go for them, go for Nebbiolo, Aglianico, or Cabernet Sauvignon; all of them at least stay for 20 years.

How Many Glasses Of Wine Do You Get From A Bottle?

You can get 5 wine glasses from a bottle of wine with each glass measuring up to 5 ounces of wine.

What Wine Is Best For Beginners?

White wines or port wines can be ideal for beginners. They both have light and slightly sweet characters which can be a good way to start with wines. Once you’re familiar with the taste, you can start experimenting with different types of wines such as red wine.


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