There are two types of people in the world: the ones who love the iconic show FRIENDS and the soul-less. This show is so popular amongst all of us, it’s become no less than a cult. We still wear FRIENDS inspired T-shirts, can remember ever legendary quote and laugh like it’s the first time each time we watch it. Here is Unsobered’s way of paying an ode to the classic.
The drunk, ‘I am fine’ Ross: This is so memorable. A heartbroken Ross, after finding out about Joey and Rachel’s new relationship, drinks all the margaritas he can and keeps repeating that he’s fine. It’s so hilarious, because it’s so relatable. We’ve all been there.

The Drunk Chandler: Chandler got cheated on, so he got really drunk. And forgot where he ate from, where he lived and also his sanity. Aah, a classic.

Ross and Rachel’s marriage: Ross got divorced a third time, all thanks to the mini-fridge of his hotel room and the booze it had. They walked into a chapel as two drunk morons and came out as Mr. Rachel and Mrs. Ross. How adorable!

Drunk Phoebe: The drama of the infamous Ross and Rachel wedding continued for a few more hours. But yet drunk Phoebe stole the show. She very wisely invented the thing called marrying the divorce and then divorcing it. And she is right, she can have mimosas with breakfast.

Monica’s drunk speech: It was Monica’s birthday so obviously she got really drunk. Here are a few things she did: fell flat on her face, got really cozy with Chandler in front of the entire room, and after all the trouble her friends go through to save her from the embarrassment, she proclaims she is drunk. What a wow!