Jim Beam offers a unique experience to fans

While their distillery in Clermont, Kentucky may be shut for tours, Jim Beam wants to bring that experience to your home. Jim Beam American Stillhouse is offering to bring a ‘Beam Snow Globe’ to a lucky fan’s’ front yard.

On Dec 10, 12 pm PST, the experience will be opened up online to audiences above the age of 21 and whoever gets it first, wins it for a mere 17.95 USD. The odds may be low but people will be thronging to their website in hordes.

Beam Snow Globe

The three snow domes ( with a max 2 person capacity each) set outside will allow socially distant interactions with friends via speakers that can be used to communicate between the globes and also play music. The barware, seating and heaters will be given for the day. The winner will also be provided with a licensed bartender who’ll be making two classic bourbon cocktails per person!

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