If you’re just as in love with liquor as we are, you know the feel of going through certain situations and just desperately wanting a peg or two…or three at your disposal. Sometimes we’re just left hoping all of these incidents would take place in a bar.
Breakups: This one is fairly obvious, why don’t exes just take you out to a great bar and break the news to you? Why does it always happen in a dingy tea stall or through text? Oh, that’s just me? Never mind. But seriously speaking, it would be so much easier to get over, but also possibly slightly more dramatic if it were done with a couple of martinis already down your throat.

Parent’s lectures: Indian parents are never satisfied with what you do – it could range from your career choices to your love life to what you wear to how you breathe. And there is always a tri-annual sit-down that they organise to ask you where your life is headed when they very well know the answer – literally nowhere. Just imagine sharing two glasses of whisky with your mom so that she calms down too and doesn’t ask you why you aren’t like Pooja from next door and you being able to take criticism because you feel slightly tipsy. Sigh, what an ideal world.

Having to deal with children: Babysitting a gaggle of kids is no easy feat. There’s a lot of screaming, crying, scream-crying and pooping and you truly need a lot of patience to get through all of this without throwing yourself off the roof. We suggest making the most of the few minutes you aren’t being tortured by the children to just put up your feet and have a glass of wine – you deserve it.

Being asked to stay back at work: Yes, that dreaded time of the year when late nights at work and shouting matches with your boss become the norm. We’ve all experienced this and we’ve all wished for death when it’s happened. But wouldn’t it be just wonderful if you could just get super sloshed with your colleagues at work, realize work isn’t your entire life and just enjoy watching cringe pop videos with them? I personally think productivity would increase tenfold, but that’s just me.