If you believe in science, you will also have to believe that drinking alcohol doesn’t just have disadvantages. There are a bunch of perks that come with it and thank god for that. Here’s what science says about the health benefits of drinking in moderation. You’d be surprised to see some of them:
Good for the heart: As per a study by the School of Public Health at Harvard University, “moderate amounts of alcohol raises levels of high-density lipoprotein, HDL, or ‘good’ cholesterol”, and higher HDL levels are associated with greater protection against heart disease. So drinking responsibly can actually reduce the chances of you having blood clots. Science!

Really good for your head: It’s not just meant for physical health, but mental health too. BMC Medicine says that a glass of wine a day could reduce depression.

Fights our common enemy – the cold: According to a study released by New York Times, Spanish researchers found that by drinking eight to 14 glasses of wine per week, particularly red wine, one could see a 60-percent reduction in the risk of developing a cold. Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of Psychology confirms it in a research.

Fights gallstones: It’s common belief that alcohol can help fight gallstones. But a 2009 study by health researchers at the University of East Anglia found that drinking two units of alcohol per day reduces the risk of developing gallstones by a third. We are glad!

Say no to diabetes: Apparently, healthy adults who drink one to two glasses of alcohol per day have a decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes, in comparison to those who don’t drink at all . Not my words, American Diabetes Association’s research says so.

We didn’t need more reasons. But these are certainly convincing!