Calling your parents: Duh! They are the last people you want to know that you aren’t, in fact, at a group study with your classmates. Even if they have accepted your drinking habit, they still shouldn’t know how nasty and idiotic it can make you because they probably have enough reasons to be disappointed in you already.

Dialing an ex: Ironically, this is the first thing you want to do. You wanna call them, text them, video call them, mail them, basically just let them know how you are still in love with them, through every possible mode of communication. Stop it right now and throw your phone away!

Snapchatting: Waking up to 64 stories of you trying to stuff an entire one kg packet of chips in your mouth isn’t what you want on a morning filled with resentment accompanied by a headache. That just makes you realise that you aren’t as cool as you think and that hurts.

Driving: Again, it might seem like you’re Superman and can do anything after getting drunk, but driving isn’t one of those things. Remember that 15 minutes ago, you couldn’t find your glasses that you were wearing. Get your shit together and call for a cab. Or just sleep in the bar. Don’t kill others.

Sports: Hi, this is a reminder that you aren’t Michael Phelps or Lionel Messi. I repeat. You aren’t. Your hand-eye coordination is as good as a three-year-old baby’s. So, try not to swim/sprint or take long leaps. You could fall on your face and pass out.