Let’s admit it. People are shitty in general. And most us aren’t even surprised when another person turns out to be an absolute disappointment of a human being. You are like “aww, you too?”. But I am here to show you all a silver lining. I think people who drink have big hearts. Sure, it’s not a guarantee, but they seem to be relatively better people. Here’s why.
They can love: Their love for an inanimate object, alcohol, proves that they are better people instantly. I mean people don’t love anything but themselves these days. Drinkers, however, love booze more than they love their livers. It’s a selfless love that knows no bounds.

They can share: Their love for liquor is strong, yet they don’t mind sharing it. I mean, if you keep taking sips from my drink after announcing that you are done, you may end up with an injured nose. But most of the times, we really want our friends to taste and experiment with our favourite drinks.

They are knowledgeable and they don’t mind sharing info: We may not know who the president of the country is (sorry, Alia Bhatt) or what our GDP is, but we know quite a lot about alcohol and we will share it. Hangover cures? Here’s a hundred of them. Cheap places to drink? We will share a list. Dry day? We have dealers.

They are supportive: They might be just as drunk as you are, but if you are throwing up in the toilet, they will crawl in there to hold your hair and pat your back. They will also make fun of you the next morning. But that’s cool, because they will also end up on the other side some day.

They are team players: They try and bring as many people together. They’ve already converted half your group from being staunch teetotalers to heavy drinkers. They’re most likely also the organisers of all your drunken Goa exploits. Sigh, drinkers are the best.

They emote: It doesn’t matter how closed a person they are, you give them enough alcohol, the truth comes to you. There are no lies, only love and liquor.

Their personalities get better: They could be in a very cranky mood, but enough booze does wonders. The anti-social become social, the introvert becomes a performer, there are endless possibilities.