Alcohol makes our lives happening. So how can the world of alcohol not be dynamic? The magical world of booze has blessed us with some gems this week, there’s
Desi News
An iconic collaboration: When the legendary Chivas India and Nappa Dori collaborate, it’s bound to be great. They’ve come together to create a kickass limited edition bottle pack design that will make for the perfect collectable. Pretty, ain’t it?

Attention to detail: Looks like the Maharashtra state truly cares about drinkers. Apparently, after getting 1,041 complaints about improper peg measures, the state has directed all bars and pubs to ensure stamping on peg measures every two years. We are with them!

Beer fondue, anyone?: Head straight to 145 Bandra and Kala Ghoda for some cheesy booziness. With beer poured into a pan with 3 types of cheese, it’s consumed with croutons. Isn’t this truly a foodie’s a dream?

Videsi News
Aldi’s New Wine Range: Love chocolate and wine? Well then, it’s time to rejoice because Aldi is blessing us all with a new wine range, with hints of dark chocolate, figs and fruits, which includes a ÂŁ9.99 500 ml bottle of Rubis Chocolate Wine. Isn’t that awesome?

Wanna speak a language better? Drink some: You heard that right. A recent research conducted by British and Dutch researchers claims that drinking alcohol can help you speak a second language better, with good pronunciation and fluency. But there’s a catch – your vocabulary or grammar isn’t impacted.We still don’t mind trying it, do we?