Ah, Halloween – the time of the year us Indians try so hard to understand why people in the West celebrate this and then try to replicate it in our very own way. Put costumes, alcohol and a party celebrating horror together and you have a night of endless possibilities.
The costumes: If you’ve ever partaken in a Halloween party you know that there are some people who take their costumes way too seriously, some who just put something together last minute and some party-poopers who don’t even try (don’t you just hate them?). But don’t worry by the end of the night, everyone’s going to be in rags anyway because of spilled drinks and getting caught in things when drunk.

The horror fanatics: People who are into horror are scary when it comes to Halloween. It’s not a joke festival to them, they want to do everything just right. So if they come out from behind furniture or even bushes to chase you around with a fake knife – please don’t be alarmed, just act scared, they’ll go away. They’ll also be the best dressed with meticulous attention to detail, so go get a picture with them, they won’t bite! Maybe.

The music: Let’s be real, us desis don’t really know what the fuck to play when it comes to Halloween. It’s not like they can play music from horror movies like Raaz, right? So our DJs resort to the same old music with them screaming ‘It’s Halloween!’ in between songs. It’s the truth, sorry.

The drinks: You know what Halloween drinks are like here in India? They’re like normal drinks but with red food colouring. There are no floating eyeballs or black drinks or pumpkin flavoured cocktails, there’s just red vodka. Deal with it, don’t crib and enjoy the night, okay? (I’m talking to myself here.)

The drunkenness: Halloween is a night of letting go, embracing your childish whimsies and getting black-out drunk. Don’t be surprised if you wake up the next morning with pictures in your ghost costume doing things you would never do any other day of the year – it’s all part of the festivities. So get your spook on and step out of your comfort zone, you get this opportunity just once a year!