Ah, ladies’ night! The one time in the week when women on a budget can go wild, where there are no rules except getting as many drinks in as possible before closing time. Every ladies’ night is eventful in different ways but in essence they all remain the same.
Being late: Going out with your girlfriends, dressed to the nines, wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t always late to reach the pub. There’s a lot of commotion before that while getting ready – one friend keeps reminding you that ladies’ night has begun, one friend wants to change 500 outfits, and there’s one friend who’s only prerogative is pre-gaming.

Getting watered down drinks: Unfortunately, ladies’ nights are synonymous with bartenders diluting your drinks to the point where the hardest thing in your drink is the lemon wedge. Of course, there’s a lot of bargaining and fighting after which your group finally starts getting real alcohol.

Warding off creepy men: You know what they say, if you make a night about women, the men will come. They consider ladies’ nights their hunting ground and will likely strike up a conversation with you, if you’re a group of women. Most of your night is spent shoving creeps off of your other friends and cribbing about how women can’t even enjoy one night in peace.

Slipping drinks to your guy friends: If you’re not out on an all girls’ night, have brought some of your guy friends along and feel charitable, you most likely evade every bouncer, bartender and manager and pour your vodka into your guy friends’ glass. Don’t worry if you get caught the first couple of times, it’s a skill learned with time.

Washroom conversations: It is a truth universally known that the women’s washroom is where the real party is at. If a random drunk woman doesn’t walk up to you and divulge details about her life or be extremely supportive of you and give you great advice (and a sanitary pad), your night is incomplete.

Going home: This is where the actual chaos begins – finding the one girl who took ladies night way too seriously and drank way too much, finding the girl who was too tired to actually stay awake for the entire night, helping them all get autos and cabs after a lot of screaming and whining and making sure they’re home safe. It may be a lot of effort, but all in all, it was a great night.