Wine tasting sounds super posh and cool, so when I got an invite to actually attend one, I jumped at it. Yes, I am an amateur. And by that I mean I only drink wine when I have no whiskey or beer. Yes, my palate is made for cheesy French fries and roadside Chinese. But we deserve tasting too dammit. So here are the 6 interesting things that happened at my wine tasting session.
I learned that greenish white whines exist: Although I was dolled up and had asked myself not to make a fool of myself a hundred times, I still successfully managed to do that. The Johnnie Walker Tasting lounge placed in the posh ass Palladium had entire counter of wines awaiting us. When wine was poured into my glass by the Living Liquidz experts, I screamed out loud, “hey, it’s green”, and also made an assumption that it’s made from green apple. To no one’s surprise, I got both wrong.

I learned a trick or two: Wine tasting isn’t just drinking wine. There are a few things that one needs to keep when taking part in wine tasting. There’s a correct way of holding the glass. Cleaning your palate is crucial after each sip. Don’t eat too much Swiss cheese or else you will be too full. Also, bread needs to be eaten in moderation too. French fries and wine together taste like feet.

Aerating your wine: As someone who inhales her drinks even before it shows up at the table, I am not used to patiently waiting for what seems like forever. But take it from me, even as a newbie drinker, I could taste the difference in texture when you aerate the wine. All the reds(yes, now I talk in wine terms, fancy huh?) got fruitier each time you swirled it.

Gulping down wine as fast as you can isn’t the smartest thing to do: They will pour you generous amounts of wine, as many times as you want, but please have some self control. If you drink too much of the first two wines, you are genuinely not going to be able to make out the difference between the last drink and the current one.

I am a white wine person: Not trying to sound all fancy and uber cool, but I genuinely prefer whites over reds. Red is too strong for my taste buds, whereas I found both Mokssh Sangiovese Bianco and Raya Sauvignon Blanc (Living Liquidz’ in-house brands) very mellow and smooth.

The miracle of wine making: White wine can be made from red grapes. And thanks to the climate, Indian reds often taste way better than imported ones. Only the sparkling white wine made in Champagne (a wine region in France) can be called champagne. The rest is just sparkling wine. There was so much more I can’t remember because I had about 5 glasses of wine in me – and I consider that a successful event.