They say that you will never be completely over your first love and I believe that’s stupid. My first love was a douche of the highest order and the only feeling I am not over is the regret. I have a different first love perspective to share though. I think you will always have that special place in your heart for college bars and here’s why.
You have spent way too much time there: You have spent one third of your college life in there. You were always there if you weren’t hungover in your hostel. Your professors might not recognise you by your face (for that you need to attend classes), but the anna from shady kripa most certainly did.

It’s relatively cheap: Everything seems expensive when you are in college, especially when parents don’t provide you with an alcohol fund. So it actually brought tears to your eyes to see cheap, affordable drinks. You would know what I am talking about if you have walked into a bar with bare minimum money and an uncontrollable urge to drink.

It gave you all your friends: Friendships didn’t start in classrooms, it didn’t bloom during the ice breaking sessions of your fresher’s. It started at a shady bar when you poured your heart out to a dude who didn’t know your name. That’s real.

It saw all your firsts: You celebrated your first crush in there. That bar saw your first heartbreak. You drank before your exams only to fail and drink more. That bar has seen more emotions than your dorm room and that’ll never change.

It’s your home away from home: Outstationers – people who left their homes behind to go study in an unknown city will feel this. Your favourite bar was your second home. That’s where you find solace, that’s where you are yourself.