I believe, the most spiritual, spectacular, and personal connection you have is with your drinking partners. Your drunk buddies or, as I like to call them, druddies are your best pals. They have seen a side of you that everyone else finds insufferable and they don’t mind, because they are just as obnoxious. Here’s why they’re so damn great.
You all have seen each other at your absolute worst: You have seen their puking face, heartbroken face, ‘I am gonna kick your ass’ face, pissed off face and many more. There’s not much you haven’t seen and you love it.

They don’t mind covering your bills once in a while: Bills can be quite taxing (wink wink), but why fear when your drinking partner is here? That definitely doesn’t mean you don’t pay your share. You do the same for them the next time you go out. It’s mutual and balanced.

You can predict each other’s actions: Drunk humans are very very dynamic, they do really weird shit. The only way to deal with the consequences is to be prepared always. Drunk buddies can foresee the kind of bizarre crap you are going to pull and take preventive measures, and that saves your ass all the time.

They don’t discriminate: Your relationship is built on your mutual undying love for alcohol. That’s all that matters. They have no damns to give about what your occupation or religion or ethnicity or social class is. The only division between you would be whether you are a beer person or a whiskey one.

You have a friend for life: They take the ‘I will be there for you’ seriously. They may drink all the booze you were stocking in your fridge, but they won’t think twice before showing up at your parents’ to help apologise if your drunken soirees get out of hand. In your drinking buddy, you have a friend for life.