No matter who you are or how many friends you have, you’ve at some point in your life played a drinking game. Be it, taking a shot alone in front of your TV everytime you hear Trump say ‘yuge’ or playing the dreaded but inevitable King of Cups at a party – there’s something extremely wrong with mixing drinks with silly games meant for 5 year olds.
You never get to enjoy the drinks: Most drinking games require you to chug down an unholy mixture of different liquors, that taste like death when put together. So much great alcohol goes to waste in just taking shots, that you can’t really sit around and savour them. It’s horrible.

Someone is bound to get hurt: It’s all fun and games till someone decides to parkour their way through the party and lands on a glass table. It’s always advisable to play games that don’t require physical activity, because first – why would you want to and second – calling an ambulance doesn’t count as a good time.

There are sore losers: Yes, even in silly, hilarious drinking games, there will always have to be that one person who keeps tabs on who’s cheating, what the exact rules are and throws a hissy fit when he loses. Why have drinking games at all if all you want to do is whine about not winning all night?

You can’t opt out: Have you ever had those annoying parties when you’re just trying to talk to someone, and people just keep pestering you to sing your turn of Antakshari? Turns out, most of the parties we attend are just like that. Leaving a party game is basically betraying everyone involved, so once you’re in, you can never get out.

Everyone gets sloshed out of their brains: I mean, this would usually be a good thing but everyone puking and passing out at 9 pm because of losing at Beer Pong which became Vodka Pong very quickly, isn’t exactly our idea of fun. Parties shouldn’t end as soon as they start, and should definitely not end in a pool of other people’s vomit.