All of us have been there. Nervous, anxious and confused about going on a first date. Thanks to the epic dating history we have (read the sarcasm), first dates are still tricky. After going on a bunch of these and not doing well, I discovered a little trick to make it easy. It’s called getting a little drunk. It will help you, here’s how.
You are comfortable: Once you are drunk, irrespective of whether the other person is drunk or not, you stop giving a damn. So you feel comfortable. And that’s the key to a successful date.

You will be honest as fuck: There’s no pretending, there’s no faking likes or dislikes. When you are drunk, you are transparent. When he starts to mansplain your own career to you, you won’t just call him out on it, you will call him names too. Thank you, liquor!

You will probably be more fun: A drunk you is always better. You will be funnier (at least people will laugh at you) and a lot more entertaining. You will also be braver which means you won’t mind embarrassing yourself by singing or dancing. At least you will have fun.

The date will know how much you like drinking: Some people might say that you have a drinking problem, but you call it an unconditional love for alcohol. So if this particular human being is intending to be your bae, they should know that you already have a special person in your life and that’s booze.

Forgetfulness is a blessing: Here’s an experiment you could try: drink in proportion to how badly the night is going. If the date is really really bad, be sure that you are also going to be really really drunk. That way, you don’t remember shit the next morning. So less cringing. It’s a win-win!