By now, you lovely readers must have understood that I have an opinion on pretty much everything. That includes things I don’t understand too. But, this listicle is straight from my heart. I think shady bars are a blessing from the heavens above. Here’s proof.
It doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket: First and foremost, I wanna know who these filthy rich morons are who can afford to drink till they are wasted at elite bars. I wasn’t born with JD in my mouth, so I go to shady-ass bars who always have my back and my purse.

Free chakna: Some expensive bars do it too. But nothing infuriates me like people charging money for extra peanuts. It’s peanuts, it’s supposed to be free. Come on!

Anna’s love: You can go to a posh pub twice a month for a year, there’s no guarantee they will even recognise your face (be a generous tipper, and they most certainly will). Visit the nearest shady bar half a dozen times, and the server and you will be on first name basis. They will also memorise your favourites and bring it to you with a smile. Isn’t that great?

More entertainment: Yes EDM is cool, yes it’s the golden era of Dubstep, but nothing beats the thrill of listening to ‘Humka Peeni Hai’ at Gokul’s. Also, the people are way more interesting, just ask the uncle dancing to ‘Saath Samundar’.

The feel: This is again subjective, but I feel at home at a shady bar. The dimly lit, cramped tables soothe my soul. I have been to a hundred lounges and pubs and I just never felt the same warmth. Shady bars give us a sense of comfort that no other bar can and that’s why we keep going back.