First Time Drinking Alcohol? Keep These 5 Things In Mind

First Time Drinking

Getting ready for your first drink, huh? Well, you have come to the right place. People love alcohol and alcohol loves them back. It’s your time to experience it. If you are a daaru virgin, you need to keep certain points in mind to prepare yourself for the first taste of the holy madira. Here are our 5 simple pravachans for your first-time drinking adventure!

Here Are 5 Important Pointers To Remember Before Your First Drink.

  1. Know Your Company
  2. Don’t Drink On An Empty Stomach
  3. Know Your Options
  4. Don’t Drink Neat
  5. Stick To 2 Pegs

1. Know Your Company

First Time Drinking

Listen up boys and girls, you need to make sure you are in the company of trustworthy people, either close friends or family. Someone has to be there to stop you from calling your ex, tell you that “Yes! You CAN walk straight,” and listen to you vent about stuff. Also, tell you where to puke, join you while you sing (you HAVE to sing), etc. Drinking is way more fun when done with your favorite people and in a safe place. 

Our point is, the after-effects of daaru can be surprising and the future-you would not like to recall this time with regrets in mind. Drinking with the wrong group can have some scarring outcomes. They could make hurtful comments about your drunk behavior or take advantage of you in other ways. We don’t want to scare you, just make you more aware.

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2. Don’t Drink On An Empty Stomach

First Time Drinking
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Everyone pukes. Everyone! Even the coolest person you have ever come across has puked their guts out after a night of irresponsible drinking. The “pre-puke you” and the “post-puke you” are different people. Simply because when you are about to puke, it is the worst feeling ever, and when you do puke, oh god! It’s so comforting. Your vomit is your masterpiece, your milestone, it’s a relaxing sight, but also truly disgusting. 

One simple trick to lower the high chances of you puking in front of all your friends is drinking on a half-full stomach. Eat a light non-greasy meal one hour before the party and munch on some chakhna while having your drink. Don’t overeat or drink too fast. Maintain a stable pace to be aware of any tummy reflexes. 

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3. Know Your Options

First Time Drinking
Picture Credit: A Practical Wedding/Pintrest

Most probably, you will be in a situation where there won’t be many daaru options to choose from. But, you could also be in a place where you’ll have too many options! We suggest you take a sip of a few different drinks from your friends’ glasses before deciding what you want. Ask for a peg/pint of whatever you end up liking the most. Do not mix multiple drinks on your first time. 

For example, if you are drinking beer, stick to beer. Don’t switch to whiskey or vodka. This will reduce the chances of a hangover. Also, if you smoke, then smoking with alcohol will give you a very strong buzz. But it can also give you a headache and increases the chances of a hangover or stomach ache. It’s your first time, so play safe and go slow. Trust us, a bad hangover can taint this experience for you.

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4. Don’t Drink Neat

First Time Drinking
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Before you get down to your first time drinking part, make sure you aren’t having hard liquor neat. We know it’s tempting, you just want to try the true taste of it and you want to see how much of a badass you are. But no, just don’t. For whiskey, add some soda or water or both and ice cubes. For vodka, add some Sprite or orange juice, and for rum, add some coke. If you have the option to get a cocktail, go for it before trying it straight. Slowly and surely you can make your way down the neat-liquor path, keep it simple this time! 

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5. Stick To 2 Pegs

First Time Drinking
Picture Credits: Unsplash

Remember this. Most first-time drinkers end up over-drinking and passing out in the process. Either that or they are puking their stomach out somewhere. There’s also a possibility that you’ll simply black out. This means you’ll have no memory of what you are doing and your friends will have to tell you. The internet is full of funny blacking-out stories, here’s one for you. One of our writers blacked out and puked in a glass. The next morning, he looked at the glass and wondered where the pulpy orange juice came from! 

But hey, there are many stories where people ended up hurting themselves or others after blacking out. You need to be smart about your choices. Stick to no more than two pegs. Enjoy the party and judge your drinking capacity the next day. There will always be another party, so don’t drink like this one’s your last. 

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Summing Up

We guess that your first time drinking plan is going to happen soon. We take this opportunity to welcome you to the club! You are going to experience some great parties, deep conversations, meaningless conversations, hilarious incidents, and much more fun stuff. Drinking is a lot like driving on an empty highway. Be irresponsible and you could cause a lot of trouble. But if you stick to the limits and stay careful, you’ll have the time of your life. Now, go and have some fun!


How Does It Feel To Be Drunk For The First Time?

If you do it with the right people and in moderation, then it feels great. The music sounds better, your worries seem smaller, jokes become funnier, smiles become wider, and life becomes livelier. You will feel a little dizzy, your vision and pronunciation could be a little off, and you will feel lazy. 

How Long Are You Usually Drunk For?

This depends on a lot of factors like your age, gender, weight, and how much did you drink? What did you drink? etc. But if we have to over-simplify it, your drunkenness could last for less than an hour to more than a couple of hours.

How Long Do Hangovers Last?

The effects of a hangover depend on a lot of factors. They could last for an hour to an entire day! To get rid of it faster, you will have to drink coffee, keep drinking water, and sleep. Sleep a lot. 

How To Drink Without Getting Drunk?

Stick to light cocktails, beers, and wines that have very low alcohol content. This way you could drink more without getting drunk.

What Is The Best Alcohol To Try First?

Try beer, wine, or vodka mixed with sprite. No matter what you try, do it in small quantities. 

What Should I Take Before Drinking?

Eat something nutritious till your stomach is half full and stay hydrated. You don’t have to take anything special before drinking.

How To Get Drunk Without A Hangover?

Don’t drink with an empty stomach. Stop drinking alcohol and any other sweet drinks as soon as you hit that sweet buzz. Then drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.

Do Your True Emotions Come Out When You Are Drunk?

No. Drinking takes away your inhibitions which might make you say things that you otherwise won’t. It’s like that joke you have in mind that you are about to say, but don’t because you think it’s not that funny. You might end up cracking that joke if you are drunk.  So alcohol doesn’t bring out your true emotions, it brings out your unfiltered emotions and thoughts.


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