Bizarre Hangover Cures That Surprisingly Work

Bizarre Hangover Cures

What happens when you decide to gulp down all the shots you can see in plain sight in a dimly-lit club? What happens after you’ve dodged every ounce of warning and went to mix different kinds of cocktails to create a unique ‘cocktail’ in your stomach? The result – a world-class hangover! The morning after the great liquor party, your head is pulsating as fast as your heartbeat and your throat feels like the Sahara desert. Every sip feels like regret now, but don’t you worry! We’ve got some rather quirky (and downright bizarre) hangover cures that surprisingly work!

4 Bizarre Hangover Cures That Might Work

Drink A Prairie Oyster: But What’s That?

Hold on, you don’t have to drink oysters! The Prairie Oyster is a popular hangover drink consumed, well, after a headache-inducing hangover. The drink isn’t made with oysters and has nothing to do with the Prairie, so we wonder why it’s named so. However, let’s understand how the cocktail is made.

The drink combines tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, tabasco, salt-pepper, and a whole raw egg yolk. Yes, you heard it right! The drink combines all these ingredients that you wouldn’t usually drink together, but you must do it to cure your hangover. The drink might look and smell unappetizing, but trust us (or the thousands of people who say that this drink worked for them!). The egg yolk contains cysteine, an amino acid said to break down acetaldehyde, one of the toxins causing you all that hangover. Remember that hangover cures might not always be appetizing, but you can surely try this Prairie Oyster the next time you’ve had too many cocktails at the bar.

Say Hello To Pickle Juice Shots

Who said pickles only taste good in sandwiches and salads? Pickle (the American one) is mainly made of cucumbers steeped in a briny solution of vinegar, salt, and water. This pickle might not be as tantalizing as our Indian pickle but many people swear by it for curing their hangovers. Might sound bizarre but that’s exactly the point!

Pickle juice

Many people consume pickle juice – often as shots the morning after they’ve ‘overboozed’. Simply pour some pickle juice and gulp it down. Heavy on potassium and sodium, it will definitely help you replenish valuable electrolytes in your body. IIt might not be as pleasant as a vodka or tequila shot, but if you want your headache to get cured, you must take one for the team (your gut)!

Olive Oil: Not Just On Pizza And Salads

You have seen olive oil doused on your favorite pizza slices and salad dressings, but what about consuming it as a hangover cure? If pickle juice wasn’t enough, you can also go bottoms up on olive oil. Many Russians religiously down olive oil before they religiously down vodka, and for many of them, it has helped them from getting a stinging hangover. 

It is believed that fats slow down the rate of alcohol absorption that enters your bloodstream. We haven’t tested it out personally, but if you’re in to try some bizarre hangover cures, why not give the humble olive oil a shot? Pun intended!

Do As The Japanese Do: Drink Miso Soup

Yes, we get it that this hangover cure isn’t as bizarre as the others, but it’s definitely not much heard of. However, the Japanese swear by their beloved Miso soup, claiming that it helps with hangovers. Miso soup is a really easy-to-make Japanese soup dish,  mostly made with miso paste, dashi (fish broth mainly made of bonito flakes, sometimes containing clam), vegetables, seaweed, and tofu. The dish is flavorful, yet not too spicy or oily, making it a comforting, yet balanced meal after a hangover. 

Miso Soup

It is rich in nutrients, sodium, water, and minerals, meaning that it will nourish your body after a hectic, all-alcohol night. Miso soup is a staple dish consumed in most Japanese households, but it also makes for a great hangover cure and we need to thank the Japanese for it. So, when are you trying out this humble soup from Japan?

While we’ve mentioned four bizarre hangover cures for your perusal, if you want to prevent getting a hangover in the first place, we’ve got you covered on that front as well!

Also Read: New Year, Same Hangover? Fix It With These Home Remedies

Tips For Preventing A Hangover

  • Food Before Booze: Before you start with your drinking escapades, make sure that you eat enough. An empty stomach is a devil’s playground, and the devil here is all the booze that will be floating here. Make sure you eat enough food, mostly carbs and fats. Remember, never drink on an empty stomach!
  • Hydration Intervals: Hold your horses! You need not rush about drinking as many drinks as you can just because someone else might be doing it. Remember to keep hydrating yourself between each drink – be it water or a non-alcoholic beverage.
  • Do Not Experiment: Yes, we all love experimenting with your drinks to see how high our alcohol tolerance is, but that doesn’t help much with preventing a hangover. Instead, say bye-bye to experimenting with different kinds of liquor and stay with one kind of drink.

Here are more such hangover prevention tips. You can thank us later!

Summing Up

Some hangover cures might be bizarre, some might be unusual or unheard of, but if it works, it works. So, the next time you are in a state where the world is spinning round and regret is making your throat dry, make sure to try out these hangover cures!


What Drink Kills A Hangover?

Water. Yes, water is the most effective way of curing a hangover. Make sure to keep hydrating at regular intervals, because your body definitely needs some hydration!

What Not To Eat When Hungover?

Avoid eating greasy foods doused in oil or fats. Also, avoid eating spicy and acidic food as it can cause inflammation in the gut.

What Is Hangxiety?

Hangxiety (Hangover anxiety) refers to feelings of stress, panic, and fear that a person experiences in a state of hangover.


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