How many of us actually think about the nutritional value of the alcohol we drink? Before diving into the nutritional facts of alcohol, it’s important to understand the concept of ‘proof’. It’s basically a number that indicates the percentage of alcohol in your drink. And it is simply derived by dividing the proof in half. So, let’s begin.

Vodka is the go-to drink for people on a diet because it contains the least calorie count when compared to other alcohol. A single shot of vodka can contain anything between 85 to 125 calories depending upon the proof. 70 proof vodka (35% alcohol) contains 85 calories. On the flipside, vodka has negligible nutritional value because it is basically a mixture of ethanol and water. So, you can forget about carbs, vitamins, minerals etc when you consume this colourless drink.

The standard serving quantity for wine is approximately 180 ml per glass. A standard glass of white wine contains approximately 125 calories, while a glass of red wine packs in about 150 calories. Wine contains anything between 9 to 19 gm of carbohydrates per serving, together with other nutrients like manganese, potassium, iron and B vitamins.

We all know that rum is made from sugarcane, so there’s no doubt that it contains some amount of nutritional value. But when it comes to calories, you should think twice before calling for rum again if you’re a health freak. To put things in perspective, 100 ml of Bacardi rum contains approximately 230 calories (almost 120 calories per shot). And these facts apply to both, white and dark rum. However, rum has its fair share of vitamin and mineral content, particularly sodium.

A 45 ml shot of 80 proof whiskey contains almost 100 calories, and like vodka, whiskey has zero nutritional value. The only trace of nutrition in whiskey is a wee bit of potassium, 0.8 gm per shot to be precise.

A regular pint of beer contains zero fat and zero cholesterol. The ‘beer belly’ is actually the result of the greasy foods we’re used to consuming with beer. A regular beer with 5 percent alcohol contains 140 calories per pint, while a light beer with 5 percent alcohol contains a little over 100 calories. Beer is high on fibre and other nutrients, particularly sodium and potassium. If consumed in moderation, beer is actually good for your health.