5 Flavored Beers For Those Who Don’t Like The Taste Of Beer

6 Beers In Goa To Quench Your Alcoholic Thirst

Your usual beer will always give you that certain “beer-y” aftertaste when you’re done. Some have become accustomed to it, and some are still struggling to wrap their taste buds around it. For those who are in the latter, we have good news for you! You no longer need to stick to your regular bitter brew. Here are some of the best flavored beers for those who don’t like the taste of beer.

5 Flavored Beers For You To Try

  1. Hoegaarden Original White
  2. Bira Malabar Stout
  3. White Owl Spark
  4. Bira 91 Blonde
  5. Leffe Blond

Hoegaarden Original White

Whether you’re just chilling with your friends or with yourself on a Saturday afternoon, Hoegaarden has got you covered. This tantalizing wheat beer has a frothy, golden appearance – one that lasts for long. Also, this beer has a cloudy and unfiltered texture – the perfect sight for those craving a chilled beer on a hot day.

When it comes to its taste, Hoegaarden has a good balance of flavors. Its inclusion of orange peel gives it that tangy taste, while coriander provides that spicy push to it. What makes this beer so lovable is the fact that it can be drunk easily. Moreover, this beer’s sweet and spicy taste will definitely kick your taste buds into overdrive. To zest things up, have it with a slice of lemon.

ABV: 4.2%

Price: INR 280

Flavored Beers For Those Who Don't Like The Taste Of Beer
Photo Credit: Pinterest/ BeerCartel BeerStore

Bira Malabar Stout

If you’re a caffeine freak and can’t part from this element in your alcohol, then you should try the Malabar stout. With the freshest coffee brought from the evergreen Malabar Hills in India, the Malabar Stout has a nutty flavor of roasted malts that any avid coffee drinker will recognize. Simply put, it tastes like a cold brew coffee with the joy of alcohol added to it!

It’s also lighter on the palate when compared to the heaviness of traditional stouts, making it easier to drink. You’ll also find sediments, attributing it to its cloudy nature. So don’t get surprised when you find something grainy while you’re sipping.

ABV: 4.2%

Price: INR 200

Also Read: Most Expensive Beer Brands In India

Flavored Beers For Those Who Don't Like The Taste Of Beer
Photo Credit: Pinterest/ Bira 91

White Owl Spark

If you prefer something light on your tongue on a lazy Sunday evening, then the White Owl Spark will be your best friend. For a heavenly combo, pair it with some chicken tandoori or prawn rava fry, and that will send you to another dimension altogether.

The moderate taste comes from the tangy citrus flavor that’s packed with it. With those subtle hints of orange, the White Owl Spark is one type of beer you don’t want to miss. Also, it’s not too expensive, so it’s easy on the wallet too.

ABV: 5%

Price: INR 110

Also Read: Top 7 Affordable Beer Brands: Your Guide To Affordable Alcohol

Bira 91 Kokum Sour

We usually think of kokum in our thalis, served at the end of our meal, but never in a beer. Fortunately, Bira has done something unique, and if you’re looking for something offbeat to tantalize your tastes, then you should try the Bira 91 Kokum Sour Beer.

Beating the summer heat has never been easier. Dashed with a hint of salt, this beer is moderately sour, which is suited best for our Indian taste buds. Due to that, it makes the beer easy to drink and doesn’t punish the mouth with a pungent taste. If that’s what you’re looking for, then hands down, you need to buy a crate full of these.

ABV: 4.5%

Price: INR 190

Also Read: The 9 Places For Best Beer In Pune

Leffe Blond

If you’d like to try something different, then try Leffe Blond. This type of beer is known for its subtle bitterness that gently touches your palate once you take a sip of it, and it goes well on a weekday brunch with some fish and chips.

When you open a bottle of Leffe Blond, you’ll be welcomed with an aroma rich with vanilla and clove. And when you sit down to have a sip, the blend of vanilla and clove sync in perfect harmony to create an astounding tune. In other words, Leffe Blond really knows how to start a party in your mouth.

ABV: 6.6%

Price: INR 280

Flavored Beers For Those Who Don't Like The Taste Of Beer
Photo Credit: Pinterest/ Mestre-Cervejeiro.com

Summing Up

These are some of the best flavored beers for those who don’t like the taste of beer. Now, you don’t have to sit like a loner when your friends are having a round of beers together. Get up, buy any of our listed flavored beers, and take part in the fun.


Which Are Some Of The Best Flavored Beers Available In India?

The best flavored beers available in India are Hoegaarden Original White, Bira Malabar Stout, White Owl Spark, Bira 91 Blonde, and Leffe Blond.

What Is A Good Beer For Someone Who Doesn’t Like Beer?

Flavored beers are the best for someone who doesn’t like the taste of beer. Beer is an acquired taste and not many may draw a liking to it. Flavored beer, on the other hand, tastes like a certain ingredient and doesn’t leave that strong aftertaste when you’re done.

What Beer Has The Most Alcohol?

Having an ABV of 67.5%, Brewmeister Snake Venom is the strongest beer in the world which is definitely not for the faint of heart.

How Many Beers Does It Take To Get Drunk?

Each person has a certain tolerance or limit to alcohol. But on average, it’ll take 4 to 5 beers to get a person drunk.

Does Beer Clean Your Stomach?

Beer does help in digestion and many studies have proved the same.

Which Beer Is Best For Beginners?

If you’re a noob and looking to experiment with beers, you should probably start out with something light. Budweiser, Corona, and Carlsberg are some brands you ought to try out first.

What Is A Dessert Beer?

There’s no specific type called “dessert beer.” But there are certain beers such as ales, stouts, and barley wines that are a bit stronger. These types of beers go well with desserts.

Does Non-Alcoholic Beer Taste The Same?

Non-alcoholic beer does taste nearly the same, and it’s a good way of knowing what a beer tastes like without getting hit by alcohol.


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