Many alcohol connoisseurs will know that champagne has been around for quite some time. But, not many people know how to enjoy this bubbly wine to its fullest. There’s a proper answer to how to serve and drink champagne which involves applying the right technique.
Be it pouring your Champagne or drinking it, you’ve to do it right. You just can’t chug champagne like a beer. No offense to beer lovers, but your champagne needs to be savored, slowly relished, and enjoyed. Read our complete guide so you can be the learned one among your squad.
Some Things You Ought To Know First
The Aging
Before knowing how to serve and drink champagne, you should know whether it’s vintage or not. An easy way to find out is to look for the label that has a year on it. If it does, it means you’re holding a vintage bottle of champagne. Vintage champagne is made from one year of consistent harvest whereas non-vintage champagne is a mixture of grapes from harvests of different years.
A bottle of vintage champagne is generally aged for over 3 years while non-vintage champagne just requires 15 months. Because of the difference in aging, vintage champagne offers a more mature and creamy taste while non-vintage champagne has more bang for your buck.

The Temperature
Temperature plays a really big role in the end flavor of champagne. Vintage champagnes should ideally be kept at a temperature of 10° to 12 °C. They are served at a warmer temperature so that their flavors can be enjoyed better. To maintain temperatures, you can keep your vintage champagne in the refrigerator for three hours.
Non-vintage champagne is served at a slightly cooler temperature which should ideally be from 8° to 10° C. The colder temperature helps to bring out the flavors of this champagne. If you’ve got a bottle of non-vintage champagne, keep it in the fridge for about four hours and enjoy it chilled.
Opening The Bottle
- Now we come to the artistic part of your journey of learning about how to serve and drink Champagne. Before you open your champagne, gather all your thoughts. Now, focus your attention to make sure that you’re holding it at an angle of 45 degrees and not pointing toward anyone. This art is also a necessity because if you don’t do this right, the carbon dioxide in the bottle could pop the cork out and injure someone.
- When removing the cork, keep in mind that you’re twisting the bottle and not the cork. The cork can break inside the bottle if you twist the cork and trust us, you don’t want that to happen!
- Ensure that you use both hands while twisting the bottle. Let your dominant hand hold the bottom of the bottle while the other hand covers the mouth of it. Also, use a napkin to cover the cork so that it doesn’t suddenly pop out.
- Gently twist the bottle till you find the cork loosening. If you find the cork moving on its own, apply a bit of pressure to prevent it from popping too quickly.
- Slowly the cork will separate itself from the bottle. Be patient and don’t be in a rush to pull the cork out. It can lead to the fizz escaping quickly, causing the champagne taste to be flat.
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How To Serve Champagne
Have A Firm Grip On The Bottle And Glass
Now that you know how to open a bottle of champagne, we come to the next step: serving it. To do that efficiently, you need to have a good grip on the bottle while pouring. Your hand should not waver too much or else the champagne will just foam and spill excessively. Preferably, hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle for 30 seconds at least to let go of all the excess pressure.
If you look at the bottle carefully, you’ll notice that it has an indent (also known as the punt) at its bottom. Have your thumb placed into the punt while your other fingers are stretched around the bottom of the bottle for support. You can hold the stem of the glass with your dominant hand for a better grip. Make sure that you’re tilting your glass at a 45-degree angle when pouring so that you get better stability.
Be Gentle
- When you’re pouring the champagne into the glass, ensure that you’re doing it slowly. Allow the champagne to slide gracefully as it touches the sides of the glass. You don’t want the foam to build up and be all frothy.
- Pour about 1 inch of champagne into the glass, tilt the bottle back to stop pouring, and pause for a few seconds. This will prevent the champagne from being effervescent, avoiding excess foam formation.
- Now, continue pouring the champagne slowly. You don’t want any of your expensive champagne overflowings, right?
- Don’t fill the glass to the brim; fill it halfway. This enables the champagne’s aroma to fill the empty space of the glass.
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How To Drink Champagne
- Now we come to the best part: yes, we’re referring to the drinking! Once you have the champagne poured, start by inhaling the aroma left in the top half of the glass. Champagne aromas mainly come in interesting categories like flowers, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, and certain delicacies. So, savor the notes!
- Take a small sip of your champagne. Let the drink slowly trickle down your tongue and palate so you can truly taste the goodness of this bubbly liquid.
- To complete your drinking experience, try to pay attention to how long the flavor lingers in your mouth. Vintage champagnes will linger longer than non-vintage champagnes.

Summing Up
This is all that you need to know on how to serve and drink champagne. Right from the opening of the bottle to the pouring of the bubbly liquid, every step will require patience and appreciation. Now that you know how to treat champagne the right way, go, call your friends, and pour each other this savory drink.
What Is The Best Way To Serve Champagne?
Champagne is best served cold! Preferably, around the temperature of 8-10°C. Anything above that temperature will just freeze your taste buds and numb them (cue Linkin Park).
What Are You Supposed To Drink Champagne Out Of?
Champagne is best relished in a tulip glass. Its tall length helps the aromas and bubbles to develop effectively.
How Long Does Champagne Last Once Open?
If you store it well, an opened bottle of champagne can last for about three to five days.
Can Champagne Get You Drunk?
Champagne contains about 12% alcohol, meaning you can get drunk if you drink in large amounts.
Is Champagne Healthier Than Wine?
Champagne contains fewer calories than wine and is usually served in small quantities. So, champagne can be considered healthier than wine as long as you don’t chug the whole bottle.
Is It Ok To Drink Flat Champagne?
It’s safe to drink flat champagne although you will have to sacrifice its taste and flavor.