How To Open Beer Bottles Without Opener

Tricks To Open A Beer Bottle Without Opener

Imagine a sunny day and the warm breeze messing with your hair and your mood, what can possibly calm you down? A chilled beer might work its magic. Suddenly, you remember you’ve got some beers left in your fridge. Thank god for that! You take out a cold one and sit in your favorite corner to drink, but wait, where’s the bottle opener? You must’ve misplaced it somewhere.

Well, if you ask us, bottle openers are overrated! All you got to do is think creatively and you can use anything as an opener. There are some simple tricks that can be used to open the beer bottles. So, look around yourself and use anything and everything that’s available at your home and open your bottles without any hassle.

Tricks To Open A Beer Bottle Without Opener

You know what, opening a beer bottle without an opener is an art in itself. If you want to be creative and add a unique skill to your Tinder profile, learn these tricks and simply flex them. Here are the ways in which you can do that!

1. Spooning

2. A Little Lighter

3. High Heels

4. A Hammer To Get Hammered

5. Slice-Of-Knife

6. Tong-Tied

7. Another Beer Bottle

1. Spooning

It may sound quite romantic, but this spooning is anything but that! If you’re at home and can’t find an opener or anything resembling it, just go to the kitchen and find a spoon. A steel spoon is heavy enough to keep the bottle stable while opening it. All you have to do is wrap your hand around the top of the bottle and grab the curved part of the spoon between your thumb and index finger. Get the rim of the spoon under the bottle cap and slowly put the pressure upwards to get the cap off. You may now kiss the bottle!

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2. A Little Lighter

Going for a trek or a camp? Packed your bags, took all the essentials, and stocked up the beer cooler? All that’s left is to find a quiet spot and open the chilled beer from the cooler. You reach to your bag to find an opener but you couldn’t. You’re already in the middle of nowhere, what are you going to do now? Here comes another trick which can save your trip. Use your trusty lighter as a beer opener.

Grab the beer bottle with one hand and place the bottom of the lighter under the bottlecap. Apply pressure on the lighter with the other hand and pop the cap of the bottle. So, when you don’t have an opener but have a lighter, you can enjoy your beer even in a forest.

3. High Heels

It’s true that high heels are a fashion statement, but what if it can be used as a bottle opener? Heels that have pointed tips (stilettos) are the best ones to open bottles. You just have to place the heel tip and place it under the bottlecap, grab the bottle to keep the bottle firm and move the heel in an upward direction.

If you’re doing this for the first time, it is possible that you might fear hurting yourself or anyone around. But, keep practising this trick and in no time, you’ll be more than proficient at it!

Also Read: How To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew

4. A Hammer To Get Hammered

Just when the weekend is at the door, and you already have a lot of stress to unwind, get yourself some beer bottles on your way back home. Cool idea, right? You got all your favorite beers but forgot to get a bottle opener with it. Suddenly, you realise you have a tool box at your home. But out of all of these tools, a hammer seems an unlikely choice to use as an opener. But hear us out!

There’s not just one but 2 ways of opening a beer bottle using a hammer. One is by using the claw of the hammer. Hold the bottle with one hand, put the claw under the lid of the bottle and simply lift the claw upwards.

Another way of opening the bottle is by keeping the head of the hammer just under the lid. Rest the handle of the hammer on the table and just thump it. The thumping will then open the lid in just one or two tries.

5. Slice-Of-Knife

One of the most impressive tricks of opening a beer bottle or a champagne bottle is using a kitchen knife. Firmly hold the bottom of the bottle with one hand and tilt it slightly. Hold the knife in your dominant hand in a way that the sharper side of the knife is towards its cap. Gather all your superpowers and slice off the cap.

Trying this trick for the first time might be scary and you’d even end up with a broken bottle. Once you become an expert in this method, you can show off this newly acquired skill and open beer bottles for your friends as well. A word of warning though: this method to open a beer bottle is quite risky, so we recommend doing it outdoors!

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6. Tong-tied

When you’re hosting a party at home, you call all your friends and order tons of beer. But what if you can’t find a bottle opener anywhere. Tricky situation, right? Don’t worry about your friends complaining, because you still have your kitchen tools. Just grab the kitchen tongs and use them for both barbecue and opening beer bottles.

Grab the beer bottle to keep it stable and sandwich the bottlecap between the two hands of the tongs. Pull apart the tong hands in an upward direction and gently remove the cap. 

7. Another Beer Bottle

All of the mentioned tricks will be useful only if you have the tools available to you. But what happens when all you have are bottles of beer? No doubt, it’s a really frustrating situation. But wait, did you mention you have bottles? As in plural? Have a smile on your face already because you can still open your beers. How? Grab another beer bottle, simple!

Place an open bottle on the table. Place the lid of the bottle that you want to open on the top of the first top and just thump it as hard as you can. And your beer bottle is open!

Also Read: Famous Beers Around The World

Summing Up

When you are in a party mood but can’t find a bottle opener, the fun should not stop, right? If you’re wondering how to open beer bottles without an opener, use these tricks and impress your audience. Be creative and make an opener for yourself with whatever tools available at your disposal.


How Do You Open A Beer Bottle Without A Key Opener?

When you can’t find a key opener, you got to find another way to open the bottle. A spoon or a coin, a lighter, or a ring, anything can be creatively used as a bottle opener. These things will be available at your home, so you can open a bottle easily. 

How Do You Open A Beer Bottle With A Pen?

Just grab the neck of the bottle with your thumb partially covering the lid. Put the cap of the pen under the bottlecap and apply pressure upwards.

What Is The Easiest Way To Open A Beer Bottle?

One of the easiest ways to open a beer bottle is by using a steel spoon. Just grab the bottle and used the curved part of the spoon to pry off the cover.

How Do You Open A Beer With Scissors?

Using a pair of scissors is also one of the easiest ways of opening a bottle. Keep one of the handles just under the lid and apply pressure in upwards direction.


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