6 Beers In Goa To Quench Your Alcoholic Thirst

Beers In Goa

Sipping a Goan beer while sitting in a shack is a vacation we all need and deserve. The beautiful state of Goa is known for many beautiful things and given the array of local distilleries, a wide variety of beers is one of them. These distilleries serve affordable and delicious beers. However, they are exclusive to Goa, making them a must-try when you visit this coastal state. Read on to know our picks of 6 beers in Goa that’ll quench your alcoholic thirst!

6 Beers In Goa To Quench Your Alcoholic Thirst

  1. King’s Beer
  2. People’s Lager
  3. Saint & Sinner
  4. Susegado
  5. Maka Di
  6. Eight Finger Eddie

1. King’s Beer

By: Viiking Ventures

There used to be a time when someone would mention Goa, and the name of King’s beer would come up automatically. This popular beer used to be a big motivation for beer enthusiasts to visit Goa and even after all the years, the hype still remains. You’ll see Kings Beer at every nook and cranny of Goa and now, because of its popularity, it’s widely available across India.

King’s is a type of pale lager which has a delicious yet light flavor and a smoky malt aroma filling up the insides of adorable squat bottles. This is the beer that started the popularity of local Goan beers. So, even with all the new beers and distilleries popping up in the party city, you certainly should check out the OG!

Price Approximation: INR 50 (for 445 ml)

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beers in Goa
Picture Credits: pinterest.com/thekingsbeer

2. People’s Lager

By: Goa Brewing Co.

Beer enthusiasts of Goa consider People’s Lager to be the new King’s. As the name suggests, it literally is people’s lager. This delicious craft beer comes with a mission; to support the dying variety of Goan heirloom rice. This beer largely uses these traditional Goan grains of rice and supports farmers, while managing to sell a product that is delicious enough to please the pickiest of taste buds.

This craft beer comes in a small Kombucha-like bottle and has a white wine-like light color. The taste has a dominating rice flavor which separates it from your usual beer. The taste is refreshing and the price is affordable, making it a must-try whenever you are in Goa!

Price Approximation: starts around INR 80.

Also Read: What Is Vermouth?

3. Saint & Sinner

By: Goa Brewing Co.

Goa is the perfect place to let your creativity flow and even the name of the beer Saint & Sinner shows that. Made from locally sourced coconut jaggery and English treacle, Saint & Sinner is a delicious dark ale that you must try. This beer is described as a Goan take on traditional Belgian beers brewed by the Trappist monks.

The inspiration is also reflected in its blue ceramic-colored blocked bottle with a waxed cap. The artwork on the bottle is a tribute to the complex human personalities and encourages humans to be more inclusive and accepting. Lastly, Saint & Sinner makes for the perfect winter drink, owing to its high alcohol content, along with strong caramel and toffee tones.

Price Approximation: starts around INR 70 to INR 160.

4. Susegado

By: Susegado Microbrewery

Inspired by the Portuguese word sossegado, which means ‘the quiet way of life’, Susegado beer is rooted in the philosophy of modern mindfulness and contemplative centering. As we all know, no one does Zen quite like Goa. Susegado captures that spirit very well in its taste and flavor.

Susegado has 6 different types of beers ranging from sweet flavors like Vanilla, coffee, and chocolates to bitter notes of malts. They’ve got a beer for almost every type of drinker and their packaging reflects the flavors you’ll be tasting. Sussegado is a passion project for the founders and something you certainly should try when you take a trip to Goa.

Price Approximation: starts around INR 140.

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beers in Goa
Picture Credits: Susegado.com

5. Maka Di

By: Latambarcem Brewers

Maka di is a Konkani term that means “give me” and that’s exactly how you’ll feel after tasting this beer. Maka Di has become a popular name among Goans because of its refreshing taste and appealing packaging. This microbrewery strongly believes in innovation and technology, which is evident in their fully automatic brewery in Bicholim. Their fully automated brewery ensures high-quality quality fermentation of this barley-based craft beer, which is a big reason behind their success and popularity.

They’ve launched 6 different types of ales and lagers so far with dominating flavors of hops, lemon, ester, honey, and even grapes. This is probably one of the most delicious beers out there which will give you your usual beer buzz without the associated bitterness. Maka di is easily available in almost every Goan bar and pub and has a really low alcohol content. So, definitely check out this innovative drink.

Price Approximation: starts around INR 150.

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6. Eight Finger Eddie

By: Goa Brewing Co.

A tribute to Yertward Mazamanian, also known as Eight Finger Eddie, this beer imbibes the best part of his personality. For those of you who don’t know this legend, Yertward Mazamanian was an American hippie who’s credited with bringing the hippie culture to India and popularizing Goa.

This crisp beer is a tribute to generations of travelers and comes to you through an extensive fermentation process of 6 to 7 days. A type of IPA, this beer has a distinct creamy yet slightly bitter taste with a strong tropical aroma. The second your eyes will see its eye-catching logo, you’d want to taste it. Luckily, the taste does live up to the expectations it sets.

Price Approximation: starts around INR 70.

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Summing Up

With affordable beer, gorgeous beaches, and plenty of cultural places, Goa is a place that seems to be straight out of a dream. There are many refreshing beers that are made and sold exclusively in Goa that you’ll get tired of drinking before you run out of options. So, do check out these 6 beers in Goa the next time you’re there!


Which Is The Best Beer To Drink In Goa?

Goa offers you plenty of options when it comes to drinks. From the locally brewed People’s Lager to the ever-loved King’s, you’ll find a new favorite whenever you visit. So, keep your mind open and discover new beers.

What Is The Most Popular Drink In Goa?

Goa is known for its drinks. Whether it’s the authentically produced feni, popularly picked Sula, or deliciously chugged wines. The alcohol variety is as vast as the beaches but tourists definitely enjoy the local craft beers and wines the most.

Which Beer Has The Highest Alcohol?

Alcohol content matters a lot when you’re consuming a drink. Beer is popular because it’s a balanced drink with generally a moderate amount of ABV. There are exceptions to the common belief and you’ll be surprised to know that there’s a beer called Snake Venom which has 67.5% ABV.

Does Feni Give A Hangover?

Feni is a locally produced drink of Goa. Because its entire fermentation process involves natural ingredients, it doesn’t give you any hangover or side effects. It also tastes delicious, so it is a true winner, if you ask us.

Can I Carry Alcohol From Goa?

If you obtain proper permits, you can carry at least 2 liters of alcohol from Goa while flying back to your place.

Which Indian Beer Is Best?

One thing India doesn’t lack in, is offering you a variety of alcohol, and this is true in the case of beers too. At this point, there are so many Indian beers in the market with their own distinct taste. Generally, Heineken, Budweiser, Kingfisher, Carlsberg, and Hoegarden are preferred Indian beer brands by many Indians.

Which Goa Feni Is Best?

Cashew feni is the most popular type of Goan feni. It’s also the original feni so if you enjoy cashew and its flavor, certainly try this delicious drink.

Does Beer Make You Drunk?

Beers generally have a moderate alcohol content of 6 to 8%. Whether or not it gets you drunk clearly depends on your capacity but if you’re down 2 to 3 bottles, for most, the world will start to spin a little.


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