A lot has been said about mead and beer, and how both of them are the same thing. Well, it is not true at all. They are like Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice and Captain America: Civil War. Similar but not the same!
Even though these drinks have a similar production process, they are unique in their own way. We have tried to make it easy for you to understand the differences. So come along with us on this ride to explore more about two of the oldest drinks to exist on Earth.
What Is Mead?
‘The drink of Gods’ which is considered one of the oldest drinks if not the oldest one, has been traced back to 7000 B.C.E. With over 300 meadries opening in the previous decade and many more in line, mead is far from being a thing of the past.
You know how they say not all accidents are harmful, some might happen to change everything around you. It is believed that this drink was produced when someone drank the contents from a rainwater-flooded bee hive and its fermentation had taken place naturally. Now think about all of the things you might have accidentally discovered, but ignored it as just another mistake!
Mead was consumed by medieval Europeans during feasts. Metheglin was another name for meads that contained spices and herbs which were considered as medicine in England during earlier times. Now, this is the kind of medicine we need! It helped with digestive issues, depression and also in decreasing the intensity of hypochondria (it’s a type of anxiety).
Interestingly, the term honeymoon also originates from meads. In medieval times, a newlywed couple used to drink this for a full moon cycle after their wedding. It was believed that it would bring good luck and fertility to the couple.

Also read: Mead Brands In India To Add To Your Home Bar
What Is Beer?
Beer is among the most common drinks out there, but have you ever wondered what’s the history behind this drink? The origin of this drink that has often given us hangovers dates back to 4000 BCE to the place that we today know as Iran. There were a couple of beer breweries running in Iran during that time.
The idea of brewing beers traveled across Europe throughout the period of time. But it was the Germans who nailed this art of brewing and perfected it into what we know today as beer. It has been a savior for many in difficult times as it was used as an alternative when clean water was a rare thing. As of now beer is one of the most consumed drinks in the world.
These drinks also have their own distinct process and ingredients. Get ready to take a closer look at what makes these two drinks so awesome.
The Process Of Making Mead
You’ll need three key ingredients – honey, water, and yeast. Start by adding water to honey which will make it easier for the yeast to turn sugar into alcohol. This diluted honey is then heated to kill the bacteria. Mead producers also use fruits and vegetables to give it a customized taste. Now, it doesn’t mean that you can throw in anything and everything you have in your fridge. There are a few things you have to keep in mind. The process of fermentation is carried out in this liquid by adding more yeast, oxygen, and nutrients. This mead is then stored in barrels for anywhere between a couple of months to several years.
Also read: What Is Mead Alcohol? Your Complete Guide
The Process Of Making Beer
The entire process of making beer can be divided into four steps – malting, mashing, boiling, and fermenting. Here the main ingredients are barley, water, yeast, and hops. You might be wondering, what are hops? To put it simply, they are the reason you feel bitterness in your beers. It also acts as a flavoring and stability agent in the process of making beer.
Once the sugar is extracted from barley, the next step is to add yeast in the container. The yeast converts the sugar extracted from barley into alcohol and carbon dioxide. You boil this mixture as the next step and extra ingredients like hops, flavors, and spices are added for the taste. This liquid is then kept to cool down and after the filtration and fermentation for a certain amount of time, it is ready to be distributed.

Also read: What Are Sour Beers?
We now know how these two drinks are made, next up is the different types of meads and beers available to get a better understanding of the two.
Types Of Meads
You can identify different types of meads based on various factors. We’ll have a look at them one by one. The first factor is based on the kind of ingredients they contain. Melomels are the ones that contain fruits. The makers add various fruits in the mix which naturally gives it a rich flavor. Mead producers do not play with the process of preparing traditional meads at all. It has only the basic ingredients i.e. honey, water, and yeast. The focus here is on the flavor and variety of honey used in the process.

Another factor to identify the different types of meads is the alcohol content in them. Three major categories are hydromel, standard, and sack. A range of 3-7% will put the mead in the hydromel category, which is ideal for someone who is starting out. A bit higher range of alcohol percentage between 8-13% is under the standard category. The third category, sack, has the highest alcohol percentage and a taste that is resemblant to red wines.
Types Of Beers
Ales and lagers are two categories here, where ales are the ones which the beer is fermented at warm temperatures. The yeast here floats to the top of the fermentation vessel which also justifies the name, top-fermented beer. Good examples of ales are Pale ale, Indian Pale ale, Stout and Gose.
The lagers are fermented at relatively cooler temperatures. You can see the yeast settle at the bottom of the vessel during fermentation. Pilsers, Mexican lagers, and Helles are a few examples of lagers.
Also read: 5 Flavored Beers For Those Who Don’t Like The Taste Of Beer
In India, the price for a pint of mead starts from INR 199, while for a pint of beer it starts from INR 55.
Summing up
You will have something to say whenever this question arises in your group. Mead has its own identity in the world of liquor and is probably the oldest one in the lot. To sum it up all, mead is not beer or any other alcoholic drink. Now that’s settled, you should find out which one you like more. Only one way to find out! Happy drinking 😉
How Does Mead Differ From Beer?
Beer is made by fermenting sugars taken from malted grains, meanwhile mead is made by fermenting the sugars in honey. Since honey is neither a grain or a fruit, mead does not fall into the categories of beer or wine.
What’s Easier To Make Beer Or Mead?
It is easier to produce meads than beer, as it involves fermenting honey and water with yeast.
Is Mead Or Beer Healthier?
Mead is produced using honey and other nutritional ingredients, so it can be said that mead is healthier.
How Long Does Mead Take To Ferment?
The fermentation process in mead usually is between 3-6 weeks.
Are There Benefits To Drinking Mead?
Meads have a good amount of honey involved in their production. That is why, they may help you with digestive issues and respiratory problems.
How Long Does Mead Last?
An unopened bottle of mead can last anywhere from 1 – 5 years.
How Strong Is Mead Usually?
A mead usually has alcoholic content ranging from 3.5% to more than 20%.
What Makes Mead Stronger?
A higher amount of honey will lead to giving you a sweeter taste and probably a greater high.