Needless to say, music, alcohol, and emotions go hand in hand. You’re celebrating? Well, hit the dance floor after six shots. You’re heartbroken? Drink in your room with only Arijit Singh for company. You’ve had a long day at work? You sir, must head to your nearest watering hole and chug beer to loud music like the future of humanity depends on it. But to get the most out of whichever emotion you are aiming for, you must have the right alcohol–music pairing. So, here we bring you some of the best duos that you can blindly trust to give you your money’s worth, the next time you’re drinking:
Vodka Redbull – EDM

If you love the rush of vodka mixed with an energy drink whose taste can only be described as “acquired”, but does the job of adding a kick nicely, it’s pretty clear you picked up this choice of drink from all the music festivals you’ve attended. Because nothing says EDM concerts quite like Vodka-Redbull. To be fair, not many other music genres can match the high of this particular alcoholic combination either. Vodka-Redbull drinkers also have stomachs of steel as they are prepared to face the horrific hangovers their drink brings. Every. Single. Time.
Rum & Coke – Reggae

If thinking about Rum & Coke transports you to a sunny beach in the Caribbeans, with other suntanned, bikini-clad revellers as they all sit back and unwind while listening to Buffalo Soldier, you’re not alone. Rum & Coke is the drink of those who like to party but prefer to do it lounging around rather than ‘Jump! Jump! Jump!’-ing. So, it’s a no-brainer that the preferred music of an R&C drinker would be Reggae. Groovy, easy on the ear, and yet has a killer beat; there’s hardly anything wrong with this music, or this drink. One Love!
Gin & Tonic – Jazz

If you’re fascinated by the golden age of Jazz, you must be a lover of flapper dresses and gin based drinks. Ordering a Gin & Tonic instantly makes you classier, and more refined. Add an interest in Jazz to this mix, and you are definitely the most interesting thing at this bar. Seriously, you’re like Casablanca waiting to happen. With the haunting notes of La Vie En Rose and the smooth, lemony-ness of your drink, who can blame you for being so suave? Go get your Great Gatsby on as you listen to some ‘roaring’ jazz music with a G&T in a delicate glass. What a wonderful world!
Straight Whisky – Rock

Look, I know what you’re going to say – “Whisky goes with every type of music!” I agree. And I don’t. JD and Coke goes with any type of music; even whisky and water/soda is one of those ambiguous drinks that don’t really ‘belong’. But straight whisky? Now, that is something that has ‘Rock’ written all over it. The smoke-filled jam rooms and empty local bars that gave us anthems like ‘Turn the Page’, ‘November Rain’, ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ and countless others, were followed by stadia that were packed to the rafters. These musical legends have seen it all, with a trusted bottle of whisky by their side. So, every time you pour yourself a stiff one, know that it’s a tribute to these gods of rock.
Beer – Pop / Commercial

Let’s face it. We all have guilty pleasure pop songs that we love singing and dancing to. Even the more intellectual ones have fallen under the spell of ‘Closer’ and ‘Cake by the Ocean’, at least once. This is because we all have a mainstream diva hidden inside us who loves commercial music. And just like the music, there’s a part of us that loves beer too. No matter the nonsensical lyrics, the bloated feeling, the forgettable tunes, or even the disgusting taste once it has gone stale, there’s something about beer and commercial music that keeps us coming back for more.